Changes in Latin America


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Presentation transcript:

Changes in Latin America

I. Introduction Central and South America sought to break from colonial rule Same as every other colony in this time period Spanish Colonies influenced by Napoleon’s actions Influenced by Enlightenment Haiti slave rebellion (1792) Fear of all of the other colonies

II. Colonies to Nations Simon Bolivar Led Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador against Spain (1817-1822) Formed Gran Colombia Broke up due to political differences Rejected being crowned king

II. Colonies to Nations Reasons for “Revolucion” Creoles, natives and mixed were not treated equally American and French Revolution Haitian Slave Revolution Toussiant L’Overture lead the overthrow of French rule Plantation owners fearful

II. Colonies to Nations Mexico Father Miguel de Hidalgo Encouraged Indians and Mestizos to rebel- Executed Augustin de Iturbide Officer, negotiated with creoles and became emperor Problems Inequality Texas Alamo Mexican-American War US takes ½ of Mexico’s land Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo La Reforma- redistributed Indian land- Rich win

II. Colonies to Nations Brazil Important economically Sugar Cotton and Cacao Portuguese Royal family flee from Napoleon Rio de Janiero becomes Portuguese imperial city Changes when Portuguese leave Nation Traded coffee Kept slavery- last to abolish Monarchy collapses Bloodless military coup- Republic

II. Colonies to Nations Argentina Liberated under Jose de San Martin With Chile and Peru Formed a republic (brought prosperity) Domingo F. Sarmiento President who made numerous reforms Greatly exported beef, hides and wool Greatly expanded territory Became a place for Italian, German and Russian immigrants Some would travel back and forth for growing seasons

III. US Involvement US stayed “isolated” until after Civil War Monroe Doctrine 1823 US handles problems in Americas No further European colonization Fear of assault launch pad Manifest Destiny Destined to rule coast-coast Brought into conflict with Mexico Spanish American War Retaliation vs. Money USS Maine Cuban Sugar US occupied Cuba Puerto Rico becomes an American dependency

III. US Involvement Panama Canal Shortcut for US fleet US helps Panama gain independence from Columbia Built from 1903-1914 Initially under US control but turned over to Panama (1999)

IV. General Problems Latin America became very fragmented Common culture but different political and social views War of the Pacific aka Fertilizer War (1879-1883) Chile vs. Bolivia and Peru Chile gains territory and problems proceeded in Bolivia and Peru Rivalries in exports