Materials Needed for Lesson Drama Structure lesson Snow Update Handout Independent practice for this lesson All items are available online!
What is your favorite TV show? Learning Objective Today we will explain the overall structure of drama CFU What are we going to do today? In your own words, what does ________ mean? ________ means __________. Activate Prior Knowledge What is your favorite TV show? Structure- organization Academic Vocabulary Connection Tv shows are considered drama because they are performance before an audience and follow a special form called a script
Concept Development Drama is a story that is acted out in front of people, or an audience. Plays are written in a special form, which helps you to picture what is happening on stage. This special form is called a script. A script contains the list of characters, the lines the characters say, or the dialogue, and the stage directions. Use the displayed poem to provide an example by showing that the two lines fit together with their rhyme. “So, your poem will look like this one, with three stanzas. How will you know if you have a stanza?” If we have two lines that rhyme. CFU TPS- What is a stanza? What is the idea of the stanza? What image forms in your mind as you read each line of the stanza what is rhyme? What is meter? Scheme - arrangement Academic Vocabulary 1
Characters- tell who will appear in the play Concept Development The Elements of Drama Acts and Scenes- Plays are divided by into parts called Acts. Acts are divided into smaller parts called scenes Characters- tell who will appear in the play Setting- tells where and when the play takes place Descriptions-Descriptions are related to the setting of the play, but they provide more information about what has already happened before the play begins or how the characters are feeling before the first lines of dialogue. Dialogue- what the characters say Stage Directions- Stage directions tell the actors what to do Use the displayed poem to provide an example by showing that the two lines fit together with their rhyme. “So, your poem will look like this one, with three stanzas. How will you know if you have a stanza?” If we have two lines that rhyme.
What is the theme? What is your evidence? Concept Development The Elements of Drama con’t Theme- is the lesson or message of a play. To identify the play’s message, look for clues in what the characters say and do, what happens as the result of their actions, and how the characters change. What is the theme? What is your evidence? Treasure items that are passed down from generation to generation. They are special parts of people’s past.
Read Last Snow Update handout and Answer Questions on handout Skill Development/ Guided Practice Steps to Complete the Skill: 1 2 Read text closely and identify parts of a drama Use clues from the script to determine the theme Read Last Snow Update handout and Answer Questions on handout
Why is it important to understand the structure of drama? Relevance Why is it important to understand the structure of drama? It helps us better understand what the drama is about
Read text closely and identify parts of a drama Closure Steps to Complete the Skill: 1 2 Read text closely and identify parts of a drama Use clues from the script to determine the theme What is the setting? Who are the characters? What does the stage directions tell us about Mrs. Wright’s class?