Find your assigned seat … Read the syllabus and ask yourself the following: (1) What is the most important information? (2) What is surprising?
Mr. Herrick’s Fam.
Mr. Herrick’s Fam.
Mr. Herrick’s Fam.
Science Projects at the Herrick house!!!
2 Truths and a Lie (1) I have served for six years in the South Dakota Army National Guard, as an officer for more than three years, with a deployment to Iraq / Kuwait. (2) I competed in Cross Country and Track & Field in high school and college and have run two half-marathons. (3) I have committed to biking to work at least 50% of the total school days. *** Turn to the classmate on your left and play it!!
Points to Emphasize: (1) Completing homework (2) Taking ownership and responsibility for one’s learning Taking notes Assigned reading & “pop” quizzes Good questioning!!! A spirit of contributing to the class!!! (3) Rules Bathroom policy No hats
WFM “Cool teacher” vs. “Hard teacher” Understanding our World!! Project-based learning!!
Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) Recent study, published in Inside Higher Ed Found that, “in a number of key areas (oral communication, written communication, critical thinking, being creative) … employers do not believe students are well-prepared for the workforce.” “And these are the kinds of qualities that many colleges say are hallmarks of a liberal education.”
Malala Yousafzai