Disclaimer This power point was developed from presentations, handouts, discussions, and information presented at the 2016 NAFRA Formation Workshop.
Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis BELONGING Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis Belonging to Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis
Belonging to the order Acceptance , Affinity, Association, Attachment, Inclusion, Kinship, Loyalty, Rapport, Relationship Think about a synonym of belonging listed here. Is there a different one that has meaning for you? One that belongs to you. (ask 3-4) Why did you want to belong to a Secular Franciscan Order? 1. A friend belongs 2. A fraternity action fits your desire to serve 3 Personal research 4. Maybe it happened during your pray time you sensed a need to know more about St. Francis or to be more. Maybe you have been ignoring a nagging feeling. (Share)
Come Holy Spirit enkindle in us the fire of your love. The Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit enkindle in us the fire of your love. Accept that it is the Holy spirit who has called you to be a Secular Franciscan. You have been called you have been chosen. This fact of being chosen is a new one to be understood by aspirants particularly. What they have done is accept the call.
“And the Lord gave me Brother and Sisters” Belonging “And the Lord gave me Brother and Sisters” As the Lord gave Francis brothers and sisters he also will give you formators brothers and sisters. Upon receiving then you too, must help them discern if they have a vocation.
Francis, A letter to the Entire Order Listen, pay attention to my words, incline the ear of your heart and obey the voice of the son of God. Observe His commandments with your whole heart and fulfil His counsels with a perfect mind. Give praise to Him because he is good; exalt Him by your deeds ; for this reason, He has sent you into the whole world; that you may bear witness to His voice in word and deed and bring everyone to know that there is no one who is all powerful except Him. Persevere in discipline and holy obedience and, with good and firm purpose, fulfil what you have promised Him. Francis is a witness to that call by his example and witness he received brothers and sisters to accompany him on his journey. Upon receiving brothers and sisters Francis addressed them,(Francis’s Letter) You are receiving companions and you will evangelize, too. When the Holy Spirit sends you companions ( formation) remember the Franciscan Spirituality can be lived in every age and any place. Let me read Francis’s letter with you.
The Witness Consider What prompted me to respond to God’s Grace? When have I found joy in the Lord and in his Church? When have I experienced “peace” through Jesus and His church? How have I grown in virtue through Jesus and the Church? What blessings have I received from the Lord and His Church? What difference has the Holy Spirit made in my life How have I loved those who are difficult to love? How do you as Formators help aspirants discern if they have a vocation (call) Chapter 2 in The Franciscan Journey, pages 15-18 Offer guidelines as a tool for respectful honest discernment. The Fun Manual section Vocation God’s Call
Witness cont. .How has this charism changed my life? .How do I live the Franciscan Charism in my life? .How has this charism changed my life? .How do I struggle with Franciscanism ? .How have I been challenged by this state of life? .What are some of the common misunderstandings of the Secular Franciscan Order. What misunderstandings did you have? Please choose one or two sentences and share with the person to your right. ( 5 minute sharing)
Belonging to the Family 2 1 2 First Order Second Order Conventuals Poor Clares Observants 3 Capuchins Third Order Seculars Third Order Regular Friars and Sisters St. Francis ST. Clare It is important to assure your aspirants that they are a part of a very large family. The family comes first #1 Not just a member of a your local fraternity family but of something BIG!
Belonging and Identity The Main Connection A gift from God Being called to the Secular Franciscan Order is a gift from God. How do you know when you are included? How do you know when you belong Inclusive ( exercise-sharing)
Belonging as Co-responsibility BELONGING to the Order Is based upon our Profession, that is the act with which we are solemnly committed to “live the Gospel in the way of Saint Francis and through the authentic rule of the Church” Rule 2 Article 3.3 of the General Constitution states “the vocation to the OFS is a vocation to live the gospel in fraternity. READ
Belonging as Co - responsibility Belonging to the local Fraternity We know the definition of the local fraternity contained in Art.22 of the Rule: “the basic unit of the order… A visible sign of Church… community of love …”. READ
Cont. Co- responsibility The General Constitution in( Art.30.2) states how belonging to the fraternity should be lived.. 1. personal presence at the “frequent gatherings” organized by the council to stimulate everyone to the life of fraternity and growth of Franciscan and ecclesial life. (Rule No. 24) Formators these are both initial formation and ongoing formation lessons from the Essential Documents of our Order. I do hope you understand that when you aspirant reaches candidate status they should have an Essential Documents of the Secular Franciscan Order of their own
Belonging as co-responsibility 2.WITNESS, of Gospel life and fraternal life 3.PRAYER, it is the soul of the community of love (Rule No.8) 4. ACTIVE COLLABORATION, of everyone for the good of the community 5.COMMITMENTS,to bring life to the fraternity, when it comes to taking an office/service. 6. ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION , based on ability of the individual members READ
New Forms of Intervention Secular Franciscan’s voluntary service is not only a “to do”, it Is above all a “way to be” that comes from the heart, from an attitude of gratitude toward life, and asks us “to give back” and to share with others the gifts received. Attention to the young Ecology Our own personal commitment for a simple lifestyle Interfaith dialogue Mission to the people READ
“Living the Franciscan Way of Life is a Continual and Enlightening Process” Living the Franciscan Way of Life is a Continual and Enlightening Process. A complete list of Essential Elements of Franciscan Spirituality maybe found in your binder and on the Queen of Peace Website on the Formation Page. READ
I BELONG Profession is a grace, a life changing event in God’s time. Living out your Franciscan vocation in the Catholic Church. The Order is part of the church . Your Franciscan charism does not allow you to belong to and do everything. One of the major obstacles to becoming a Secular Franciscan is realizing it is first in your life now. READ
Conclusion So… How in practice do we nurture the sense of belonging to a Secular Franciscan Order ? Let us never forget that our constitution in( Art.30.1) strongly affirms that the Secular Franciscans are members of a local fraternity ; however, they belong to everyone in life and in mission. READ
Closing Prayer You have been called to give witness to the Kingdom of God and to build a more fraternal world based on the gospel together with all people of goodwill. Do you wish to be faithful to this vocation and to practice the spirit of service proper to Secular Franciscans?
Closing Prayer Do you wish to embrace the gospel way of life by following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, which is at the heart of the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order? Ans. YES THAT IS WHAT I WANT ! READ