Importance of GPA and HOPE (Rigor)
What is a GPA? Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is a measure of how well you are doing in your academic studies. Each numeric grade for each one of your classes is assigned a value which is called the grade point. These grade points are calculated together for all of your classes to determine your GPA. Your GPA is shown on your official high school transcript.
Transcript? What’s That? Carroll County School District Your High School’s Name Your High School’s Address Your name & identifying information appears here 00 This document is what colleges and employers look at to see what type of student or employee you will be. You might have thought that freshman grades were not important, but now you know otherwise. Those grades will only make up ¼ of your final GPA, but now is the time to focus on bringing this up.
What do College Admissions Officers & Employers Look for on a Transcript? Academic Average College Admissions Officers recalculate your GPA when considering your acceptance to their college. Each college has it’s own method for doing this, but typically they look at only the academic classes that you have taken in high school (like our HOPE scholarship program). Types of Courses Taken College Admissions Officers are looking to see that students have challenged themselves and have not just taken “fluff” courses. If you are recommended for Honors or AP courses and think that you can make at least in the mid-80’s, you should definitely take the harder course.
How is GPA Calculated? 47 ÷ 14 = 3.3571 GPA Course Name Grade Grade Point 9th Grade Lit/Comp A 81 3 Coordinate Alg A 88 Health 98 4 JROTC I A 93 Physical Science A 83 Spanish I A 91 World History A 87 9th Grade Lit/Comp B 86 Basic Ag Sci B 89 Coordinate Alg B Personal Fitness Physical Science B Spanish I B World History B 96 TOTAL 47 There are 14 Grades 47 ÷ 14 = 3.3571 GPA
There’s More than 1 Type of GPA Course Name Grade Types of GPAs Un-Weighted Weighted HOPE Health 94 4 * Hon. 9th Lit A 86 3 Hon. Coor Alg A 96 Hon. Phy Sci A 91 AP World Hist A 5 4.5 Spanish I A Bas Ag Sci A 92 Total Grade Points 27 28 19.5 * Not Calculated Type Formula GPA Un-Weighted 27 ÷ 7 = 3.8571 Weighted 28 ÷ 7 = 4.0000 HOPE 19.5 ÷ 5 = 3.9000
More about GPAs These 3 examples showed how GPAs are calculated, but it is important to note that colleges and other institutions may use different criteria to calculate GPAs. In high school, we post grades to transcripts after the completion of each semester. Therefore, your official GPA will only change once those semester grades are posted – in January and June of each year.
With upcoming changes to college admissions tests, GPAs will likely become even more important.
GPAs are Important! Now let’s move on to learning about the new HOPE Scholarship rigor requirements….
HOPE Scholarship Requirements Graduate from a HOPE-eligible high school with a 3.0 GPA in academic classes Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non- citizen Be a GA resident for at least the past 12 months Enroll in an eligible public or private college or university Comply with Selective Service requirements
HOPE Scholarship Requirements Maintain academic progress in college Not be in default on another student financial aid program Be in compliance with GA Drug- Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990 Students graduating from high school on or after May 1, 2015 must meet additional rigor requirements.
HOPE Rigor Requirements Students graduating after: May 1, 2017 must earn at least four credits in courses meeting HOPE rigor requirements
HOPE Rigor Requirements Rigor courses will come from the following categories:
HOPE Rigor Requirements A complete listing of all courses that meet the HOPE rigor requirements can be found on the Gafutures website or by doing a Google search of “Georgia HOPE Rigor”. It is important for you to remember this requirement for the HOPE Scholarship when you request your classes for next year. Make sure you are keeping your grades up and selecting courses that will earn you the HOPE Scholarship.
Why is my GPA important and what do I need to do to earn the HOPE Scholarship?