World Toilet Day
2.3 billion people in the world don’t have somewhere safe, clean and hygienic to go to the loo You might not believe it but there’s a special global day called WORLD TOILET DAY and it happens once a year! It allows us to stop and think about sanitation issues around the world. Toilet Twinning launched a campaign in June to twin 10,000 toilets by World Toilet Day. The Twitter hashtag is working hard!
Almost 900 children die every day due to diseases caused by dirty water and poor sanitation. That's one every two minutes 2.3 billion people – that’s almost 1 in 3 of the world’s population. This is not okay. This World Toilet Day, Toilet Twinning’s 10,000 twins appeal is focusing on displacement camps. Millions of people across the world have fled their homes to try to find safety.
People around the world are displaced Conflict, natural disasters, persecution Camps are dangerous places to live in There are more displaced people in the world today than at any other time in history. According to the UN, the figure is over 63 million. When displaced families find their way to a camp, they are exhausted and frightened. They have spent days on the run and are longing for a place of safety. Finding refuge is everything. But, sadly, camps are not always safe places. Families may have found shelter from bullets and brutality – but they face other threats: poor sanitation, unclean water, and overcrowded conditions where disease spreads fast.
A Place of Shelter This is Ericaine with two of her children. I’d like to share her story – it’s the story of a mother’s love and a wife’s resilience. This determined woman is striving to make life better – for her family and her community – with Toilet Twinning’s support.
Life is tough in Central African Republic Only 27% have access to proper sanitation More than 900,000 people have had to flee their homes because of conflict Central African Republic could be called The Forgotten Country. Life there is tough. Few people in the West have heard of Central African Republic, and fewer still know about the conflict that has led to almost a million people being forced from their homes. Central African Republic has been unstable since its independence from France in 1960. The most recent crisis started in early 2013 when tensions between rival militias turned to violence. Despite elections in 2016 and the inauguration of a new president, the violence continues.
We saw a picture of Ericaine at the start with her children. Ericaine’s youngest child was born in the bush. She and her family were fleeing from militias who burnt their community to the ground. Now Ericaine and her children are living in a displacement camp in Central African Republic - and have been there for more than three years. At first, there were no toilets and everyone was going to the loo in the open. This caused serious health problems, especially for young children. Some even died. Women were forced to venture into the bush at night, risking attack.
Then Tearfund, with the help of funds from Toilet Twinning, began to work in the camp to provide latrines and safe water. Crucially, Tearfund also taught people about hygiene and how to keep the new toilets and handwashing areas clean. Ericaine volunteered to lead the team which monitors the toilets and ensures they’re kept clean and safe...
And here is Ericaine smiling as she works!
As we worship on Sundays, and throughout the week, we celebrate God’s provision. We are not alone: God is always with us, whatever our circumstances - protecting us and sheltering us
‘You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm.’ Isaiah 25:4 We can help bring health and hope to families who’ve lost everything. Our churches can stand alongside displaced people such as Ericaine and help provide a refuge.
His hands and feet As we acknowledge God’s all-sufficient provision for us, we are prompted to help those around the world who seek shelter from the storms of life – for people like Ericaine.
‘I know how important the toilets are for our health ‘I know how important the toilets are for our health. Things were so bad before: now, they’re so much better. I can’t thank you enough for helping us.’ Ericaine World Toilet Day is quirky but it’s vital too. Sanitation and safety quite simply save lives. When we reach out, we really can change the world! Thank you.