Wealden Local Plan Presentation to East Sussex Strategic Partnership 06 July 2017 Trevor Scott
Introduction What is a Local Plan Background Current issues / Plan Environment v Growth – the Dilemma Next steps Introduction Explain W&M LP
Wealden Local Plan Why do we need a Local Plan What do the Council need to do Assess Housing / Commercial / Industrial need Identify infrastructure requirements Roads, schools, health, leisure Environmental considerations Plan Period Money, Money, Money
Background to the Local Plan 2013 Core Strategy 2015 Strategic Sites document – subsequently withdrawn due in part to judicial review Review required by Core Strategy (Policy WCS1) Wealden Local Plan (WLP) - Strategic and local policies covering all policy requirements, including site allocations When adopted supersedes Core Strategy and 1998 Local Plan Must meet legal requirements and ‘tests of soundness’ Explain W&M LP
Stages of Local Plan Production Publication of Issues, Options and Recommendations for consultation October to December 2015 Publication of Proposed Submission Document for representations Summer 2017 Submission of Local Plan By end of 2017 Examination legal compliance soundness To be determined by Planning Inspectorate Proposed modifications Assessments Consultation Final Report Adoption by the Council
The Dilemma Growth – Government, business, housing need, developers Environment – CPRE, SWOT, Natural England, Legislation The public The Courts……
Identified Needs Housing need from 2013 to 2028 is some 950 dwellings per annum (14,250) Some 7375 dwellings already granted permission or have been already built Employment scenarios show relatively limited requirement for employment space based on population projections compared to that previously built
Ashdown Forest SAC Ashdown Forest SPA 400m buffer around AF SPA & SAC Pevensey Levels SAC Wealden District Boundary
Ashdown Forest AQ and Nitrogen Monitoring shows that there is damage to the Ashdown Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC), especially close to roads Our previous preferred option for testing (20,000 houses up until 2036) would deposit further nitrogen above acceptable levels alongside the forest roads Our current commitments will also deposit significant levels nitrogen, especially alongside the Forest roads The modelling shows high but tolerable levels across the SAC as a whole We recognise the need to allow development across the district if possible
Ashdown Forest AQ and Nitrogen Our approach is therefore to: Deal with the high levels of nitrogen deposition by provided compensatory habitat having considered alternatives and maximised mitigation Limit development across the district to a level which will ensure the integrity of the SAC is not prejudiced by excessive nitrogen deposition We are discussing our approach with the Minister, Natural England, Ashdown Forest Conservators and neighbouring authorities (Duty to Co-operate)
Local Plan Proposals A plan period from 2013 to 2028 Modelling regarding Ashdown Forest shows that we can allow development up to 11,456 in total to 2028 focussed on the south of the district Regular reviews triggered by further nitrogen monitoring, Hailsham waste water treatment delivery and any necessary A27 upgrades Employment growth/ employment floorspace provision across the District to a higher level than that required by population growth Additional retail provision to meet the needs of the growing market
Issues South Wealden Growth Area Delivery of the Ashdown Forest approach Planning applications while compensation measures are progressed Duty to Cooperate and other stakeholder consultation Completion of evidence base and timing of formal consultation
Next steps Completion and publication of studies and evidence base Revised version of draft Wealden Local Plan produced for representation consultation stage Representation stage consultation Representations considered and final submission version of the plan produced Submission to the Planning Inspector Examination in Public Adoption