Industrial and Systems Engineering Manufacturing Laboratory AUBURN UNIVERSITY Industrial and Systems Engineering Manufacturing Laboratory MISSION To simulate world class manufacturing systems and methods from material receipt to product delivery thus providing students with improved knowledge of system interdependence and best practices within manufacturing operations. To provide faculty a real world infrastructure to integrate research for experiential student learning. - "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.“ – Aristotle To provide a facility to incorporate multi-disciplined knowledge and expertise thus simulating a true manufacturing environment. Continuous Improvement of the operation to be driven by the manufacturing community via glass factory participation To develop manufacturing savvy students that can make an immediate difference supporting local business thus improving and expanding our industry partnership.
Manufacturing Research Laboratory Auburn University Lean Training Value Stream Mapping Error Proofing Kanban Heijunka Work Cells 5S Supermarkets Visual Factory Continuous Improvement
Industrial and Systems Engineering AUBURN UNIVERSITY Industrial and Systems Engineering FACULTY RESEACH Automotive Manufacturing Systems Next generation electronics packaging Electronic manufacturing technologies Development of automotive engineering education program Continuous Improvement Management Systems Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing Warehouse Optimization Warehouse Layout Wave Planning Automated Storage For Very High Density Operations Research Military applications related to airborne surveillance and reconnaissance Vehicle routing & scheduling pricing, and revenue management Manufacturing Computer Simulation Factory Floor Layout Strategic Buffers Line Speed Optimization Engineering Economics Financial Engineering Real Options Pricing Transmission Congestions Modeling, Analysis and Optimization Complex Manufacturing Design Systems Engineering Design Systems Computational Intelligence Electric Power Economics Electricity Price Modeling Power Generation Scheduling Power Capacity Expansion Demand Forecasting Electricity Market Competition Wind Power Economics Information Technology Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Training effectiveness & response regarding ergonomics & safety Impact of the aging workforce on existing standards Donning, Doffing and modeling of PPE and sanitation equipment Biomedical Engineering Human Factors Engineering Engineering Psychology Biomechanics Ergonomic Modeling Ergonomic Survey Tools
Industrial and Systems Engineering AUBURN UNIVERSITY Industrial and Systems Engineering Tiger Motors
Industrial and Systems Engineering Manufacturing Laboratory AUBURN UNIVERSITY Industrial and Systems Engineering Manufacturing Laboratory Planned Pacemaker Planned Heijunka Super Market Receiving & ASRS Warehouse Ergonomic Research Lab shipping Electronics Test Area Final Line U Shaped Cells
AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM Automotive Engineering and Manufacturing Minor / Graduate Certificate Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Minor INSY 5800 - Lean Manufacturing Systems MECH 4430 - Vehicle Design INSY 5840 - Control of Mfg. Floors and Processes INSY 5860 - Automotive Manufacturing Systems INSY 5330 - Data and Decision Making Using Six Sigma or INSY 5830 - Vehicle Technology and Trends Junior Year Senior Year Graduate Industrial and Systems Engineering Certificate INSY 6330 - Data and Decision Making Using Six Sigma INSY 6800 - Lean Manufacturing Systems INSY 6830 - Vehicle Technology and Trends INSY 6840 - Control of Mfg. Floors and Processes INSY 6860 - Automotive Manufacturing Systems