Author Patterns Why Do We Need to Know an Author Patterns? Improves ______________________________ Increases __________________ of ___________________________ Memorize _______________________________ Provides ways to enhance _____________________________________ Gives us _____________ into the _____________________________________________ The Six Types of Patterns: Order - &
Author Patterns Spatial Pattern: The _______________ or _______________ of something is described. Pay attention to words and phrases that direct the reader’s attention. For Example Looking to the east, visitors can see the flat plains in the distance. To the north west, hikers can see the mountains looming in the distance. Finally, one need only look to the south to see the faint outline of the desert sands.
Author Patterns List Pattern: A group of ________________ presented in _______ specific, since the order is unimportant. Supporting _________________can be rearranged without ____________________________the reader’s understanding. For Example There are three different characteristics of good leaders: courage, honor, and selflessness. ____________________& _________________________(a subset of the List Pattern): The sorting of a subject into various groups or classes (and subcategories) based on their similarities and/or differences. This makes use of analysis--the breaking of a subject into parts to better understand it. When there is no purpose to the method of classification, it becomes a pointless and hollow exercise.
Author Patterns Sequence Pattern: A list of ____________________ presented in ______ ____________________ ________________________ where order is important for reader comprehension. Sometimes referred to as a _______________________or ___________________________. Kinds of Analysis _____________________________Process: Explains how to do/make something, i.e. a recipe _____________________________Process: Explains how something is done or the events that lead to a specific result taking place i.e. a television show on the fall of the Roman Empire. _______________________________Sequence: Items are listed in the order in which they occur i.e. A timeline or the description of one’s day.
Author Patterns Definition Pattern: Presents the _______________________of an important term that is discussed throughout the ________________________. The definition is the __________ __________________and the details __________________________________ that main idea. For Example Look up a term in an encyclopedia--this is an extended definition that further explores the meaning of that term.
Author Patterns Compare-Contrast Pattern: The presentation of _________________________________ and/or _________________________________ between two or more _________________________________. For Example Be on the look out for words such as: Comparison Contrast Similarily On the other hand Unlike Likewise In contrast Whereas Both However Some Same While While others Also Although
Author Patterns Compare-Contrast Pattern: Subjects for Comparison & Contrasting Clear basis required for comparing / constrasting Needs to be made clear to the reader An Analogy _________________________________ two very ____________________________________ subjects and explores a certain characteristic or set of characteristics of one to _____________________________________ those of the other. Organization of Comparison-Contrast ________________________________ by _________________________________ Covers all details for that subject before moving on to the next subject of the comparison/contrast Best suited for shorter essays _________________________________by _________________________________ Covers each subject of the comparison/contrast one point at a time. Best suited for longer written works
Author Patterns Cause (Reasons) and Effect (Results) Pattern: _______________________ and _________________________of events or conditions are presented. !!! Beware of the logical fallacy ____________ ________ (after this, therefore because of this). This means that Event A happened before Event B, therefore Event A must have somehow causes Event B. For example, Barak Obama is a Democrat. He won the election for president in 2008. Therefore, all U.S. citizens must be Democrats because a Democrat is president.
Author Patterns Discovery of Causes Cause (Reasons) and Effect (Results) Pattern: Discovery of Causes The “____________________” (Do you see any similarities to the 5Ws and H?) 1. The _______________ (What)– What’s the event you’re discussing? 2. The _______________ (Who)-- Who is a the person you’re explaining (include their personality if able)? 3. The _______________ (Where / When)-- Where and when did these circumstances take place? 4. The _______________ (How)-- What instrument/s or means did the actor use? 5. The _______________ (Why)-- What was the actor’s intent behind their actions?