The Crucible Terms
Crucible a container which can withstand high heat, especially one in which metal is melted, allowing for impurities in the metal to be identified and removed a severe test or challenge—a test that puts great stress upon people, revealing their weaknesses and strengths a place or situation that forces people to change or make difficult decisions
Allusion An indirect reference to a person, place, event, or literary work with which the author believes the reader will be familiar Example: “Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash your hands of this!” *Pontius Pilate: the Roman governor who presided over the trial and sentencing of Christ. Pilate publicly washed his hands to absolve himself of responsibility of Christ’s death.
Logical Fallacies Most common logical fallacies: Either/Or Fallacy - insists only two choices exist in a complex situation; “You’re either with us or against us.” Name-Calling - point the finger of blame Overgeneralization - lump all the members of an opposing group into single negative stereotype Rhetorical flaws that are intended to inflame public emotions
Drama is literature in play form. Stage Directions - used by the author to describe settings and characters; provides historical background in the form of expository mini-essays