Eating disorders Introduction
DSM-IV identifies 3 categories 1. Anorexia nervosa Both of the types involve significant weight loss Restricting type Binging – purging type
DSM-IV identifies 3 categories 2. Bulimia nervosa Binging followed by purging but not associated with significant weight loss
DSM-IV identifies 3 categories 3. Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) Some of the characteristics of AN and BN but can’t be strictly be categorised as either.
Anorexia nervosa In common with bulimia there is an anxiety and dissatisfaction with body weight and/or shape.
statistics Anorexia nervosa affects approximately 0.9% of females.
Statistics cont. Over 90% of cases are with females. And are extremely resistant to treatment.
AN often develops into Bulimia nervosa It is rare for BN to develop into AN.
30 – 40% show no improvement over 5 years. About a third live with the condition all their lives and learn to manage it.
Clinical characteristics The body weight is 85% or less of the normal weight for age, height, sex etc.
2 There is a distorted perception of body weight/shape.
3 There is an intense fear of becoming fat.
4 For women - Loss of three consecutive menstrual cycles (amenorrhoea)