The Greek team in Sweden Erasmus+ : 3I IDENTITY-INTERCULTURALITY- INTERRELIGION 2015-1-RO01-KA201-015079 The Greek team in Sweden
Our departure from Thessaloniki
Arriving in beautiful Stockholm
Meeting all the students
Getting to know each other through art!
Working in groups and discussing about religions.
Studying the common beliefs of our religions
Presenting our work to the Erasmus group
Visiting Sensus – a cultural, multi-religious centre
Visiting a catholic church
Visit in Skansen : life in the old times
In our free time, sightseeing and taking photos
Visiting the biggest amusement park in Scandinavia Grona Lund!!!
Walking around in the city centre
On a bus tour around the city
Vasa museum
Photographing with a drone!
Having lunch at Södermalm
Having fun at the hotel!
Thank you!
This project was funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author. The European Commission and the National Agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.