1. China: Physical.
2. Geography and Living.
3. China’s First Dynasties.
4. Shang Dynasty.
5. Chinese Writing.
6. The Zhou Dynasty, c. 1050-400 BC.
7. Zhou Society.
8. The Warring States Period.
9. Confucius.
10. Confucianism.
11. Daoism and Laozi.
12. Qin Dynasty, C. 221-206 BC.
13. Emperor Shi Huangdi Policies and Achievements.
14. Guardians of Shi Huangdi’s Tomb.
15. The Great Wall.
16. Han Dyansty, c . 206 BC-AD
17. The Importance of Family (during Han Dynasty).
18. Han Achievements and Acupuncture.
19. Silk Production.
20. The Silk Road.
Buddhisim’s Introduction to China and Diffusion.
22. The Silk Road.