DO Now 9/25 On a sheet of paper write: 3 – Things you understand in Unit 1 2 – Things you still have questions about 1 – Thing you are excited to.


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Presentation transcript:

DO Now 9/25 On a sheet of paper write: 3 – Things you understand in Unit 1 2 – Things you still have questions about 1 – Thing you are excited to learn in the next unit (Classical Civilizations in China and India)

The “Classical Era” in the East Civilizations of India and China The “Classical Era” in the East

Ancient India When the ancient Indus River Valley civilization suddenly collapsed it was replaced by an new culture called the Aryans. It is believed the Aryans crossed through mountain passes of the Himalayas in 1,500 B.C.

The Aryan Invasion 1,500 B.C. Aryans were nomadic people who lived by herding cattle and fighting. Aryans developed iron weapons and horse-drawn chariots that allowed them to conquer their neighbors. They cross the Himalaya and Hindu Kush mountains and took over the Ganges River valley.

Aryan Achievements Aryans developed a form of writing called Sanskrit. Sanskrit was only taught to members of the highest castes.

Hinduism 900 B.C. Aryans brought with them a new religion to India, known as Hinduism. Hindus believed: There were many gods Karma- a person’s behavior in life determined the form of their next life. Reincarnation- a person’s soul is reborn. Sacred objects- the Ganges River and cows. The Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita were their holy books

Caste System The mixing of the Aryans with the native people of the Indus Valley led to social classes. People were divided into 5 social classes called castes. Caste were unchangeable, a person was born into their caste. The highest were priests and warriors, followed by landowners, then peasants, and at the very bottom were the untouchables.

He became known as the ‘Buddha’ or ‘Enlightened One’ Buddhism 500 B.C. The religion of Buddhism began in India around 500 B.C.. Siddhartha Gautama, a wealthy prince lived in nearby Nepal. He saw suffering in the world and he left everything in search of truth. After 6 years he had a flash that “all suffering is caused by selfish human desires”. He became known as the ‘Buddha’ or ‘Enlightened One’

Beliefs of Buddhism Basic philosophy of belief in reincarnation, self-denial, and meditation. They do not believe in a single Supreme Being (God). No single holy book, instead books called the Sutras explain beliefs. Buddhism became popular because it rejected the caste system. Buddhism quickly spread throughout Asia

Beliefs of Buddhism Four Noble Truths – explain life’s meaning. Eightfold Path – do the right thing. Nirvana – by following the Eightfold Path one can escape endless reincarnation and reach eternal peace.

The Mauryan Empire 321 B.C. to 232 C.E. One of the greatest Hindu empires was created by King Chandragupta. The Mauryan Empire reached from Afghanistan to the Ganges River in India. Chandragupta was followed by his grandson Asoka.

Asoka 269 B.C. to 232 C.E. Asoka went to war to enlarge his empire. After years of warfare, Asoka became horrified at the bloodshed and gave up violence. Asoka then converted to Buddhism and won the loyalty of his people with acts of kindness and by promoting their welfare. Asoka improved roads, built hospitals, schools and spread the teachings of Buddhism. When he died his empire quickly fell apart.

The Gupta Empire 320 A.D. to 535 A.D. The Gupta replaced the Maury as the rulers of the Ganges River Valley. For 200 years the Gupta ruled over a time referred to as the ‘Golden Age of Hindu Culture’. Art and literature were supported with universities.

Gupta Achievements Math – Science – Concept of zero Idea of infinity The decimal system Arabic numerals (like ours) Science – Idea that the Earth was not flat Calculated length of a year Studied movement of the stars

Ancient China Chinese history is divided into periods called a dynasty. A dynasty was a ruling family that governed China at a certain time. From 1027 B.C. to 22 A.D China was rule by three main dynasties.

Each dynasty followed a pattern or cycle. The Dynastic Cycle Each dynasty followed a pattern or cycle.

The Mandate of Heaven A dynasty came to power under the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven meant the rulers were chosen to rule by heaven. The Mandate of Heaven worked as long as the ruler was successful, if things went bad the mandate was taken away and a new ruling family would gain control.

Zhou Dynasty 1027 B.C. to 221 B.C. Zhou rulers gave land to nobles in exchange for military service. This allowed the Zhou to conquer their neighbors and increase the size of their empire. Soon China was plunged into a civil war between ruling warlords.

Zhou Accomplishments The greatest legacy of the Zhou was the work of two Chinese philosophers, Lao Tzu and Confucius. Confucius developed a philosophy Confucianism: bring order to the social and political life in China. Stressed importance of family where children show devotion to their parents, aka filial piety.

Zhou Philosophers The greatest legacy of the Zhou was the work of two Chinese philosophers, Lao Tzu and Confucius. Lao Tzu (Laozi) developed Daoism (Taoism): Bring inner peace to the individual. Respect for the ‘way’ of nature, don’t try to resist. Deep respect for nature and harmony, accept things rather than trying to change them.

Qin Dynasty 221 B.C. to 206 B.C. Shih Huang-ti led the Qin Dynasty to unify all of China. He was the first to call himself ‘emperor’ and believed in his total power. Shih was a harsh ruler but he increased China’s power and size.

Shih Huang-Ti Created uniform system of writing and measurements. Formed a centralized government. Built thousands of clay soldiers to guard his tomb. United barriers to create the Great Wall to protect against invasions.

Han Dynasty 206 B.C. to 220 C.E. The Han Dynasty replaced the harsh rule of the Qin with an empire that would last for over 400 years. The Han accomplished many things: Invented paper Glazed ceramics Silk weaving Civil service exam to get the most qualified workers

The Silk Road The Han established trade routes between China and Europe, this cultural exchange sent silk, iron, bronze, and ceramics to Europe. In return China got gold, linen, glass and ivory, China was also introduced to the idea of Buddhism which became popular in China.

Fall of the Han Dynasty After 400 years as a powerful dynasty the Han began to crumble. Local warlords gained more and more power and civil wars erupted around the dynasty. Much like ancient Rome, the Han Dynasty collapsed because it got to big to rule efficiently . Rulers became corrupt and cared less and less for the people they ruled over causing rebellions.

Important Ideas Aryans introduced Hinduism and the caste system to India. Buddhism began in India, but spread rapidly throughout Asia. Asoka a great Mauryan ruler adopted Buddhism. Gupta Empire called “Golden Age of Hindu Culture” a period of learning, the arts, sciences, literature, and math.

Important Ideas China was ruled by dynasties (ruling families). Confucianism became China’s dominant religion. Based on Confucius, it stressed kindness, peace, harmony, and traditional ways and respect . Qin dynasty Emperor Shih Huang-ti united all of China and built the Great Wall for protection against invaders. The Han Dynasty lasted 400 years before suffering a collapse similar to the Roman Empire.

Vocabulary 1. Caste System 2. Aryans 3. Hinduism 4. Reincarnation 5. Buddha 6. Mandate of Heaven 7 . Silk Road 8. Dharma 9. Sanskrit 10. Sutras 11. Dynasty 12. Emperor

TEKS Category 4 19 A, B Category 5 27 A Category 1 Category 3 1 B, C 4 A, H, J 7 E Category 3 16 A, B 23 A, B 25 A 26 A, B Category 4 19 A, B Category 5 27 A