Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 17 AUGUST 2011
SUMMARY OF THE DEPARTMENT’S APPROPRIATED ALLOCATION (FIRST QUARTELY REPORT – 30 JUNE 2011 Financial overview (Summary) Appropriated amount R4. 796 billion Actual expenditure (30/06/2011) R 749 million Variance R4.047 billion Spending represents 16% of the overall final Appropriation.
FIRST QUARTELY REPORT – 30 JUNE 2011 Financial overview (1st Quarter) Appropriation (1st Quarter) R 918 million Actual expenditure (30/06/2011) R 749 million Variance R 169 million Spending represents 81.6% of Appropriation for the 1st Quarter.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Appropriation for the year R1,245 billion Appropriation (1st Quarter) R 230 million Actual expenditure (30/06//2011) R 159 million Variance R 71 million Actual spending recorded at 69.1% of Appropriation of the 1st Quarter and 13% overall final Appropriation.
2011/12 ROLL OVERS REQUEST CAPITAL PROJECTS Washington R 51.3 million London: Highveld R 15.7 million London: South Africa house R 2.8 million Abuja R 12.5 million TOTAL R 82.3 million Approval awaited from National Treasury
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub programme: Capital Budget Expenditure during the first quarter was R 4.4 million Achievements during first quarter Abuja completed and handed over Washington project: City Council and Utility Company approvals obtained Package of early works for the Chancery project approved Swing space fit-out Contractor appointed London Projects Elevator installations completed and commissioned Contractor for refurbishment of Highveld appointed Dar es Salaam and Lilongwe projects Pre qualification of Contractors commenced.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub programme: Capital Budget Expenditure on the Capital Budget Construction project expenditure during the second quarter is forecasted at R 42 million on the following projects: Abuja, payment of final account and release of retention money. Washington project: Payment for building permits, City Council and Utility Company fees and deposits. Payment to Contractor for early works, to commence on 15 August 2011, completed in November 2011 Payment to Contractor for the fit out of swing space which commenced first week of August 2011, work to be completed November 2011 London Projects Elevator installations payment of final account Commencement fee and progress payments to contractor for refurbishment of Highveld, work commenced May 2011, to be completed January 2012.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Sub programme: Capital Budget The Department is pursuing the acquisition of properties in the following locations: London, Cavendish Close, Deputy High Commissioners Residence R 50 million London, South Africa House, Chancery R 80 million Genève, Official Residence R 30 million
PROGRAMME 2: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Appropriation for the year R 2.529 billion Appropriation (1st Quarter) R 628 million Actual expenditure (30/06/2011) R 540 million Variance R 88 million Actual spending recorded at 86% of the appropriation for the 1st Quarter and 21% for the overall final appropriation
PROGRAMME 3: STATE PROTOCOL & PUBLIC DIPLOMACY Appropriation for the year R211.5million Appropriation (1st Quarter) R 54.2 million Actual expenditure (30/06/2011) R 44.6 million Variance R 5.6 million Actual spending recorded at 82.3% of Appropriation for the 1st Quarter and 21% for the overall final Appropriation.
PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS Appropriation for the year R 809. 9 million Appropriated for (April to June) R 5.1 million Actual expenditure (as at 30/06/2011) R 5.2 million Variance (R .1 million) Actual spending recorded at 102.% of Appropriation for the 1st Quarter and 1% for the overall final Appropriation. Variance analysis The following payments were processed post 15/08/2011 SADC R 41.7 million UN MEMBERSHIP R 14 million Commonwealth R 5.1 million Total R 60. 8 million
Thank you