Industrialization Ch. 9 Sec 2
Setting the Stage: Initially industrialization caused human suffering. Negatives: unhealthy working conditions, air and water pollution and the ills of child labor
I. Industrialization Changes Lives A. Industrial Cities Rise 1. Between 1800-1850 the size of cities began to double and quadruple in population size as a result of the factory system 2. This period was called urbanization-city building and the movement of people to cities
I. Industrialization Changes Lives A. Industrial Cities Rise 3. Factories were built by water and coal sources 4. London became Europe’s largest city with twice as many people as Paris
I. Industrialization Changes Lives B. Living Conditions 1. Workers lived in dark, dirty shelters with whole families living in a one bedroom 2. Streets were filled with garbage and waste resulting in major disease outbreaks
I. Industrialization Changes Lives B. Living Conditions 3. Life span for a working class people 17 yrs compared to 38 for rural folks
I. Industrialization Changes Lives C. Working Conditions 1. The average work day was 14 hours a day 6 days a week with no sick or vacation time 2. Machines often injured people and the coal miners had the most dangerous job
I. Industrialization Changes Lives C. Working Conditions 3. The average miner’s life span was 10 yrs shorter then anyone else and mostly women and children did this work because they were a cheaper source of labor
II. Class Tensions Grow A. The Middle Class 1. Middle Class- a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, businessmen, and wealthy farmers-This group lived a comfortable life 2. Upper middle- government officials, doctors, lawyers, managers of factories
II. Class Tensions Grow A. The Middle Class 3. Lower middle- factory overseers, skilled workers-tool makers, drafters, printers
II. Class Tensions Grow B. Working Class 1. Laborers had to deal with harsh working and living conditions and watched their lively hoods disappear with the new machines. The Luddites (named after Ned Ludd) reacted by destroying machines in the factories