Here’s what we are working on! News and Notes from Ms. Wilton’s Classroom For the Week of: February 26, 2016 Dates to Remember ¨ February 25- 2nd grade music program! 6 pm ¨ February 26- Crazy Hair Day ¨ February 26- Scholastic orders due! ¨ March 1- Read-a-thon kickoff 6-7 pm ¨ March 4- Storybook Character day ¨ March 5-13- Spring break Here’s what we are working on! Reading: expository text, text features, graphic features, asking and answering questions of text Math: fractions (conceptual introduction), 3D shapes, money, time Note: Please remember to practice your math facts at home with flashcards or Language arts: Word study- dictation, sentences, Notebooks will go home on Tuesday to be signed Grammar- compound words, open & closed syllables Writing- Present and past-tense narratives Contact information Email: Phone: 254-761-5740 (conference period: 1:35-2:35) Social Studies: Producers and Consumers Science: Basic needs of plants vocabulary allowed powerful instrument invented design products Teacher’s note Hello! Thank you all for returning your child’s report card this past week. Please know that if you have any questions Please remember that THIS THURSDAY is the 2nd grade music program, which will begin in the cafeteria at 6 pm. I can’t wait to see you all and see the students perform! This grading period we are hitting fractions, time, money, 3D shapes, and geometry each week. Please take time to quiz your student on what they have learned! March 4 is Storybook Character Day! All students are invited to dress up like their favorite storybook character. Keep up with planet Wilton online! **Twitter: @jana_wilton ** Facebook page: Ms. Wilton’s Sensatonal 2nd Graders