DCC Cluster/Working Group Energy MTDS (GoT) priorities for the sector Priority 1: Development of the country’s energy potential - Construction of new and rehabilitation existing power generating facilities and electrical networks, reduction of energy losses and development of regional electricity market Priority 2: Reduction of winter energy deficit - both through the development of existing hydropower potential and construction of thermal stations, the use of solar, wind and biomass energy, the implementation of a range of measures aimed to encourage energy saving and increase the energy efficiency of the national economy; Priority 3: Capacity Building - Strengthening the capacity to manage system to respond to the requirements of modern times; Priority 4: Restructuring of domestic energy sector - Encouraging positive quantitative and qualitative changes in the domestic energy sector performance that will allow for effective sustainable development of all energy subsystems, with not only the natural resources but also the human and innovative capacities being its key elements
DCC Cluster/Working Group Energy Development Partners’ interventions / Donor’s support Priorities 1 and 2: Development of the country’s energy potential and reduction of winter energy deficit Supporting rehabilitation of existing infrastructure (HPPs, small HPPs, transmission lines, substations) Supporting development of regional electricity markets Improvement of reliability of electricity supply through the construction of new transmission lines and substations and the rehabilitation of existing obsolete and unreliable transmission and distribution infrastructure. These include construction of the important North-South 500kV transmission interconnection, and the rehabilitation of various substations, including Ravshan and Regar, which are the backbone of the power transmission network. Advisory support to promote renewable sources of energy; small-scale pilot projects on using solar power; Reduction in Energy Losses though installation of meters and billing system. Promote Energy Efficiency through pilot programs on efficient heating stoves, advisory support and knowledge sharing on the energy efficiency and associated policies. Priorities 3 and 4: Capacity Building and Restructuring of Domestic Energy Sector BT restructuring; implementation of tariff reform taking into account social mitigation measures for tariff increases; Provision of technical assistance to establish an independent regulator; Improvement of financial viability of the sector, including debt servicing; Supporting development of code of corporate governance Vocational training, including on the energy related areas
Priority 1: Development of the country’s energy potential DCC Cluster/Working Group Energy What is missing? But is important for the sector development Priority 1: Development of the country’s energy potential Support to construction of new HPPs, CHPs (including Rogun, coal-based CHPs) Interventions in improvement of district heating Priority 2: Diversification of energy sources Support to scaling-up solar, wind and biomass projects; Priorities 3 and 4: Capacity Building and Restructuring of Domestic Energy Sector governance, transparency, accountability and public participation Support pro-poor tariff reform. Explicit measures/actions on servicing debts/resolution of BT long- and short-term debts (MDTS should put greater emphasis on BT debt restructuring)
Priority 1: Development of the country’s energy potential: DCC Cluster/Working Group Energy Priority areas / Joint Results to be achieved by 2020 (detailed results matrix is being finalized) Priority 1: Development of the country’s energy potential: on-going rehabilitation of existing HPPs advanced; reliability of electricity supply improved; electricity exports increased; energy losses gradually decreasing; Energy efficiency and RES programs expanded based on the demand. Priority 2: Reduction of winter energy deficit Electricity production from HPPs continues increasing Winter energy deficit reduced by at least 10%; Priority 3: Capacity Building Priority 4: Restructuring of domestic energy sector BT restructuring completed; New tariff setting methodology developed and implemented following the tariff increase pathway to reach cost-recovery; Implementation of social measures to address impact of tariff increase on poor population advanced Independent regulator established; Sector financial performance indicators improved;