The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain National Curriculum As historians we will be studying aspects of the Roman Empire that had a major impact upon Britain. We will start off by looking at a broad chronology of where the Roman invasion fits into British history using the time conventions of BC and AD. We will begin to develop an understanding of why people leave their homeland to settle in another country. As geographers we will identify the countries which formed the Roman Empire and where they are located. We will analyse why the Romans needed an Empire and what benefits their empire brought them. We will then consider the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings and learn the contributions each group of invaders made to the development of Britain. As scientists we will analyse what is meant by the term “healthy lifestyle” and learn how to promote good health using practical advice based on scientific facts. We will also compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and physical properties. We will describe how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped in rock. We will recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. In computing we will describe how internet search engines find and store data; use search engines effectively; be discerning in evaluating digital content; respect individuals and intellectual property; use technology responsibly, securely and safely. Curriculum Drivers Enquiry Lifelong learning Spiritual & Moral Knowledge of the world As enquirers we will: We will research how the Roman invasion changed life in Britain. We will explain why aspects of history are interpreted in different ways. We will reflect upon the skills that we have learnt and how these can be applied to our learning in the future. As lifelong learners we will: Visit a Roman villa to try and empathise with early Roman settlers. We will then reflect on how much of what we use and take for granted today was down to early invaders and settlers and the positive impact that influx from other cultures can have on our society. In our Spiritual and Moral development we will: Try to identify the Bible’s main message and what it reveals about faith in God. Learn about the monastic tradition and what it tells us about living in a community. We will also look at advent and epiphany and ask in which ways they show us the true meaning of Christmas. As members of the worldwide community we will: Have a view of the constantly changing nature of the world and Britain’s place in it. We will begin to understand that this is not a modern phenomenon, but that we have absorbed and been enriched by many aspects of other cultures over the centuries, which makes us what we are today.