How Can We Come to Understand MARS?
How do we come to really understand something?? What am I looking at? What is it? How did it get there? What events resulted in it being there? This is the idea of cause and effect. What do you need in order to be sure that one thing caused another thing to happen?
What Spirit sees
What Opportunity Sees
Which is which?
Olympus Mons: The Largest Volcano in the Solar System
Smaller volcanoes on the Tharis Bulge
Valles Marineris
Compare these images of the North Pole of Mars
South Pole of Mars
Compare the two images of the regions at the South Pole of Mars
Where's the water today?
Strange Plates on surface near the equator on Mars
What is the Key to Discovering Cause & Effect ? Could one effect actually cause the other? Is it possible when you consider forces required? Is the time order correct? Did one thing happen before another?
Where are the Outflows and the Tributaries
Olympus Mons
On the slope of Olympus Mons
Outflow region
Gustav Crater (where Spirit is)
So how can we figure out Cause and Effect on Mars???