Inequality for All This movie is critically important. It exposes the heart of our economic problem. Something that’s been getting worse and worse for over 30 years. Widening inequality. Robert Reich
A Graphical Look at Economic Inequality Robert Reich Poses 3 Questions What is happening in terms of the distribution of income and wealth? Why? Is that a problem? 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
What is Happening? Compare 1978 to 2010. This was the top 1% vs. the typical worker in 1978. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
What Is Happening? And here is the top 1% vs. the typical worker in 2010. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
What is Happening? Emmanel Saez and Thomas Piketty tracked income data for the top 1% compared to everyone else. Their research was based on income tax, which was instituted in 1913. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
What is Happening? Today, the top 400 richest people have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans put together. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? GDP has been rising since the 1930’s. The DOW has risen markedly since 1980. Typically an increasing GDP is an indication of a healthy economy, including wage increases and low unemployment. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? The average hourly wages of production workers did rise with the GDP until the 1970’s. Then something happens. Look at THE GAP. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? A change began in the 1970’s. American manufacturing was moving abroad. There was the start of a technological revolution. Financial markets were becoming more powerful. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? Labor unions declined. And that decline matched almost exactly the decline of the middle class share of national income. But that is just one piece. It isn’t the big picture. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? Globalization and technology have changed how things get made. Where do your dollars go when you buy an iPhone? 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Why Has Inequality Been Widening? Contrary to popular mythology, globalization and technology haven’t reduced the number of jobs available to Americans, these transformations have reduced their pay. Many Americans would be inclined to tolerate income equality, if it meant that with hard work the American Dream could still be theirs. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Is This Widening Inequality A Problem? But for many who worry about inequality, their primary concern isn’t its affect on our economy. It’s the growing divide’s affect on democracy. As the rich get richer, they have more resources with which to influence democracy. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Is This Widening Inequality A Problem? Many citizens feel the game is rigged. Losers of rigged games can get very angry. There is a growing evidence suggesting as inequality increases so does political polarization. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
Is This Widening Inequality A Problem? Money isn’t partisan. There are liberal billionaires. There are conservative billionaires. There are various solutions our there that depend on your political persuasion, but there is no doubt that economic inequality is a major challenge of our time. 6/19/2015 From the film INEQUALITY FOR ALL
More on Inequality for All Producers JEN CHAIKEN / 72 PRODUCTIONS SEBASTIAN DUNGAN / 72 PRODUCTIONS Director JACOB KORNBLUTH Resources and partners partners/ Inequality for All Official Trailer Strengthening Labor Unions Celebrate Labor on Labor Day Graphics from the film 6/19/2015