Account Opening Process Review Thursday 21st April 2016 15:00-16:00
1. Preparation/Initiation Pre-qualification Non Resident Accounts? Y Minimum Annual Turnover in country of account? 500,000 Business NOT Supported Gaming, Money Service Bureaus Supporting documents acceptable in English? Referral Notification (via IBOS Referral Reporting tool) Additional Info Required? Pre-clearance Email Host Bank (HB) refer to 'Good to Know‘ (+'Account Opening‘?) tabs of target Account Opening Bank (AHB) AHB responsible for ensuring Account Opening process is fully described and associated forms are up to date.
Account Opening Requirements Account Opening Requirements IBOS Customer Referral Sheet N Separate Account Application form required? Y Prefilled by Account Holding Bank? Account Opening Requirements IBOS Customer Referral Sheet N Separate Account Application form required? Y Prefilled by Account Holding Bank?
2. Notification/Tracking/MIS If target customer meets AHB's criteria…(as per their ‘Good to Know’) Enter referral into Referral Reporting tool AHB Notified automatically via email
3. Acknowledgement AHB Views 'new' referral in RR tool + Change status to ‘Acknowledged’ Use 'Notes' field in RR tool to notify AHB, via EMail, of progress Initial quick due diligence if AHB has requested partial CRS completion. Do we need 2 stages of Aknowledged or are we happy to wait until CRS is complete? No commitment from AHB
4. Customer Referral Sheet/Due Diligence requirements HB enter information into Customer Referral Sheet (CRS) as per instructions on AHB's 'Account Opening' tab. AHB may advise only partial completion of CRS for early-stage DD check, to avoid undue work. CRS can be either the standard IBOS CRS or AHB's alternative documents
5/6 Complete Due Diligence HB complete the CRS and use Notes, in the Referral Reporting tool, to advise AHB AHB: Complete 'Due Diligence' and change status to 'In-progress' or Rejected‘ Commits to ac opening, provided all required docs are complete and valid IN PROGRESS or REJECT Unless accepting CRS as the account opening document, proceed with account opening procedures change status from ACK to IN PROGRESS or REJECT
7. Account Opened HB/Customer complete Account Application + supporting documentation (as per AHB ‘Account Opening’ tab) and forward to AHB AHB advise HB once Account is 'Open‘ – change status to COMPLETE Note: AHB can still REJECT HB advise Customer Account is open