Autumn Term 2 2017 PSHE&C English Maths Computing Science Year 1 Music In our English lessons we will be looking at Instruction Writing. We will be challenged to use imperative/ bossy verbs e.g. put, stick. We will also use the imperative verb song on Anchor Education to help us. We will then be looking at Fairy Tales. In Maths we will be focusing on improving our Number Bond fluency and speed. We will continue our work on addition and move onto subtraction. We will continue to develop our reasoning skills and problem solving skills whilst looking at using Bar Modelling. In Computing we will be looking at how to stay safe on the Internet. We will also think about what we should do if we are unsure of what to do on the computer .We will also grow in confidence with logging on and using the keyboard. RE Science Year 1 The children will be looking at the Nativity story leading up to Christmas. We will be thinking about how it feels to give and receive gifts. We will also explore Christingle and prepare our Christingle oranges. Our topic this half term in Science is Would snow in Summer change the season? We will comparing the different seasons and the weather associated with each. Autumn Term 2 2017 Music PSHE&C We will be exploring a range of songs in preparation for our Key Stage 1 Christingle performance. In PSHE&C we will be looking at Healthy Lifestyles. We will look at how we can stay fit and healthy. What would Dora do in Atherton? Theme In our Geography Theme we will be exploring our local area and finding out what Dora the Explorer could do if she came to Atherton. We will go for a walk, create maps and look out for key attractions in Atherton. Art In Art this half term the children will be exploring the local area in Atherton and will begin to sketch what they can see. We will link this to our Theme topic to make Dora want to come and visit Atherton. Website