January 25, 2017 The Bromfield School Include the date of the orientation and your school name Text that appears in RED throughout the presentation requires you to input information about the curriculum or policies that is specific to your school. Don’t forget to change the text color to BLACK once you’ve finalized the text that is specific to your school. For more resources to support the information covered in this presentation, please refer to the curriculum introduction and access the Parent Toolkit page on the Teacher Resources page of getrealeducation.org 1 1
What is Comprehensive Sexuality Education? Get Real is a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum. Sexuality includes not only sexual behavior but also our genders, our bodies and how they work, and our values, attitudes, beliefs and feelings about life, love and the people our lives touch. Teaching comprehensive sexuality education helps young people to make more informed, and therefore healthier, decisions about their own lives. Additional Talking Points: *The Educator/Teacher role is to provide facts and information, underscoring the focus on student health and safety *The Parent Role is to impart family and community values and beliefs about sex and sexuality. Students are actively encouraged to speak with their parents about their family values and beliefs about sexuality. Family activities are sent home to serve as a starting place for the conversations between parents and children [MORE ON THIS LATER] 9/5/2018
What is Get Real High School? Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works is a high school program for 9th or 10th graders that delivers accurate, age-appropriate information and emphasizes healthy relationship skills and family involvement over the course of 11 classroom lessons. Get Real encourages students to talk with a parent or other caring adult about the material covered in class, and the high school curriculum includes Family Activities embedded in introspective journal assignments for three lessons, which encourage dialogue between students and their parents and other caring adults. USE FOR HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS 9/5/2018
Get Real Curriculum Foundation Framed in Social and Emotional Learning, emphasizing the importance of relationship skills, effective communication and responsible decision-making Mapped to National Sex Education Standards and National Health Education Standards Based on current research that shows effectiveness of long-term, comprehensive sexuality education programs For Middle School and High School presentations Get Real is aligned with what national experts recommend be taught to MIDDLE or HIGH schoolers. Research shows that long-term skills-building curriculum is more effective. Trained teachers in the schools act as local resources for students with questions about sexual health Resources: http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/sher/standards/index.htm http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html http://www.futureofsexed.org/nationalstandards.html For a list of relevant studies, see the Advocates For Youth website: http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/factsheet/fssexcur.htm 9/5/2018
Family and Community Involvement Get Real supports parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children There are three lessons that include a caring adult interview Students are directed to trusted adults in their lives and resources in their community -Get Real Parent Resources are designed to help parents or other caring adults create an environment of trust and comfort in talking with their children about sex and sexuality. We know parents can make a real difference in their teen’s lives by talking early and talking often about sex. Get Real’s family take-home activities provide a framework and concrete tools to facilitate open and ongoing communication between parents and their kids. This program recognizes parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children. We encourage that students be exposed to the whole curriculum, but if parents object strongly to a particular lesson, they may ask to have their students removed from that lesson. The school administration should make clear the process for parents to opt-out (or not). FOR HIGH SCHOOL: Throughout the curriculum there are three take-home family interviews that students will be asked to conduct with their parent, or other caring adult. These are designed to create an opportunity for parents to impart personal and family values about relationships and communication. Parent involvement helps to ensure the success of the Get Real program for students. In addition, the teacher delivering Get Real in the school is available to parents to answer questions and concerns about how to talk with their kids about sex and sexuality. 9/5/2018
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) SEL is the theoretical foundation of Get Real. The curriculum focuses on the following 5 SEL life skills. Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision-making For Middle School and High School presentations SEL is the theoretical basis of Get Real: Self-awareness -how well students know themselves and their values Self-management - ability to manage their actions and decisions and to set short and long-term goals Social awareness- how well students know – and are able to connect with and communicate with -- their community, family, peers Relationship skills - the importance of honest and assertive communication with emphasis on refusal and negotiation skills Responsible decision-making – being able to recognize the choices in every situation and to weigh the pros and cons of those choices in order to make a thoughtful decision 9/5/2018
Staying Healthy Relationship Skills & Decision Making Identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships Refusal, negotiation and consent Equality and responsibility in relationships Social networking and media literacy Accessing sexual health services Maintaining Abstinence Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV Protection Methods Sexual Identity Anatomy & Physiology USE FOR HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS Remind the group that the curriculum is designed to offer medically-accurate and age appropriate information and that it aligns with the National Health Education Standards. This slide outlines the key topics covered in the Get Real curriculum. [Introduce the Table of Contents] 9/5/2018
School Logistics This program will run from after February break and is 11 lessons long 9/5/2018