Panther Creek Cross-Country 2017
Team Values/Core Principles Accountability Enthusiasm The Team is Greater than Me (commitment to something greater than the individual) Enjoyment Achievement
What are we teaching daily? Ownership – this is THEIR program Growth Mindset Grit/Resilience “Productive Failure” – get comfortable being uncomfortable Confidence Leave the Jersey in a Better Place Don’t make excuses (and we shouldn’t help them find excuses)
Coaching influences
Are we a sport? Practice Attendance Be there daily! (all weather conditions) – athlete notification of coaches Handled on a case by case basis – but very little “valid” reason for missing
How can you support us? The other 22 hours of the day are physiologically more important than our 2 hours Sleep
Support Nutrition Hydration post-run food/liquid consumption Heme Iron Watch out for low iron levels!
Meet/Practice transportation -Bus transportation provided to practice when possible (limits on #s) -Bus transportation required to many non-local meets – Kernersville, Greensboro, etc
Shoes -How often do you need new shoes? OFTEN! -I know some coaches who recommend 1 new pair/month – I won’t say that, just keep an eye on them -depending on brand (personally, some 150-200miles, others 350+) -Spike Night @ Fleet Feet Morrisville – Aug 22nd, 6-8pm -Be smart about introducing yourself to spikes!
Needed for practice every day Yoga mat/towel Water bottle Watch Morning Resting HR
When do we race and who races?
What do we do at practice? 1) Check in/team talk and quote 2) Dynamic Warm-up 3) (Depending on Day) – Weights, Hurdle Mobility, General Strength Circuits 4) RUN!!! 5) Core/ Technical Strides 6) Stretch 7) Yoga (some days) 8) Sign Out
Why weights? Need buy-in from you AND kids! Bone Density Endocrine Response Running Economy/Efficiency Speed
Home XC Course!
Individualization for > 100 kids Today’s sample higher end aerobic session posted on the Weebly for you to view 16 groups
Injuries Not an excuse to miss practice!
Team fundraising Essential to the concept of ownership of the program
Where does the money go? Booster Club - $2500 Meet entry fees, Bobcat rental, gas, some equipment needs, record board going up at track, etc Our discretion spending Slamball med balls, team water bottles, Bobcat rental, new championship unis, t-shirt rewards,
Meet Scoring/ rules Top 5 (7) runners score – low score wins Runners #4 and #5 are MOST IMPORTANT! NO GPS Watches No Pacing – what is this?
How can you keep up with us? Weekly parent emails Twitter (@panthercreek_xc) Remind (meet line-ups, records, quotes, practice schedule)
Long term Fun! Lifelong Appreciation of Fitness Grow as a Person – “Better People Make Better Runners”
Achievement Goals Part of the process of he previous 3: Top 5 teams in state on a yearly basis @ least 1 state title per graduating class Take care of the small stuff and the big stuff falls into place – our jobs as coaches to have them ready at the right time