The Impact of Information Power on Technology


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Presentation transcript:

The Impact of Information Power on Technology Peter G. Mohn, LMS Snohomish Freshman Campus 2001 NCCE Conference Spokane, WA March 15, 2001

Agenda Overview of Information Power LMS and Technology Technology in Program Administration Information Access and Delivery Learning and Teaching Technology in Information Literacy Improving Student Achievement Through the LMC - Research

Overview of Information Power History Information Power 1998 Information Power Trainers Collaboration, Leadership and Technology Definition of Technology

Definition of Technology “the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.” (Seels and Richey, Instructional Technology: The Definitions and Domains of the Field, p. 1)

LMS and Technology Early Technology (e.g., books, card catalog, microfiche, AV, etc.) User of Informational and Instructional Technology Designer of Authentic, Information Literacy, and Curriculum Mastery Perspective of Technologist-integrating people, learning and tools of technology NOT A TECHNICAN

Technology in Program Admin. Collaborate with Staff on Full Range of Technology Create Technology Plans Within the Library Program Remain Current on Technology Issues Budget for Electronic Resources & Equipment Staff Development Serve on School’s Management Team

Information Access & Delivery Information Access Role Expands Strategies for Information Access Access Beyond LMC and School Day Flexible & Equitable Access Collaborate With Staff in Selection Guard Against Barriers to Intellectual Freedom

Learning and Teaching Student Achievement is the BOTTOM Line Problem Solving, Interconnections Between Disciplines, & Connections Beyond School LMS Part of Cur.. & Technology Planning Promote Full Range of Information Literacy Promote Integrated Information Literacy Within Classroom Curriculums Integrate Products and Processes of Technology in Classrooms Create an Environment for Information Literacy Evaluate Information Resources

Technology in Information Literacy Accesses Information Efficiently & Effectively Evaluates Information Critically & Competently Uses Information Accurately & Creatively Technology Within the Big6™ Framework

Technology Within Big6™ Task Definition - e-mail, online discussions, chat, video conferencing, desktop conferencing, groupware, brainstorming software Information Seeking Strategies - online catalogs, information retrieval, electronic resources, Internet, Ask ERIC, KidsConnect, online discussion groups Location & Access - online catalogs, electronic indexes, WWW navigation and search tools, AskERIC, KidsConnect, telnet, ftp, e-mail

Technology Within Big6™, cont. Use of Information - upload/download, word processing, cut-paste, outliners, spreadsheets, databases (for analysis of data), statistical packages Synthesis - word processing, desktop publishing, graphics, spreadsheets, database management, hypermedia, presentation software, down/up load, ftp e-journals, listservs, newsgroups, Web creation Evaluation - spell/grammar checkers, e-mail, online discussion, CUSeeMe, desktop conferencing, groupware (Eisenberg and Berkowitz, The New Improved Big6 Workshop Handbook, p. 46)

LMC Research - Technology One Key Finding - LM programs that contribute most strongly to academic achievement are those with the technology necessary to extend access to information resources beyond the LMC to classrooms and labs throughout the school (Colorado (1999), Alaska (1999), & Pennsylvania (1999)). See for information about how to obtain copies of these studies.

LMC Research - Technology, cont. PA (1999) - Synergy of LM staff, collections and technology is most powerful in an integrated, collaborative approach to teaching information literacy. Haycock (1998), “Information Power Building Partnerships for Learning: The Research Base-Evidence for Support for Growth.” Teacher Librarian. Contact Millie Watson, manager, Teacher Librarian, e-mail: or 604.925.0266 to order copies.