Tolerated other faiths if they obeyed Roman law. Setting: Roman Empire Tolerated other faiths if they obeyed Roman law. Jesus was raised in the Jewish faith His ideas threatened Roman power Crucified because he was a threat!
Beliefs Founder: Jesus of Nazereth Taught the Jewish Teachings: Obey the commandments & prophets. Monotheism- obey the one & only God Mercy on the poor & sick New teachings: Forgiveness, love thy enemy, turn the other cheek rather than seeking retribution He is the son of God – Messiah
Beliefs Monotheism – Belief in the one God Holy Trinity – in God there are 3 persons (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) with one nature. Sacred Text is the Bible: Five books of Moses (Torah or Old Testament) & the New Testament (Jesus’ life and teachings are Gospels) Final Judgment Day: life ever lasting in Heaven or Hell
Practices Follow the Ten Commandments Participate in the 7 sacraments Confession of sins for forgiveness Donate 10% (income) to the church for alms (charity). Holy Day: Sunday go to church Holidays: Lent: give up ____ for 40 days to acknowledge Jesus’ sacrifices before he was crucified. Christmas & Easter : Celebrate Jesus’ birth & resurrection
Practices (con’t) The disciples/apostles (followers of Jesus) become missionaries that spread his teachings. Apostles: Paul, Peter, John, Matthew, Mark, Thomas,Bartholomew Works of Mercy Feed the hungry, visit the sick, shelter & cloth the homeless Warn the sinner, instruct the ignorant, forgive injuries, pray for living & dead. 88% of people in Carmel are Catholic.
Christianity divides Christianity splits into two sects : branches Christianity splits into two sects : branches Christianity Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Greece & Protestants (no Pope) Russia Lutheran Presbyterian Anglican Methodist Follow the Patriarch Follow the Pope
Catholic Church Hierarchy
Changes in membership
Compare & contrast by listing the beliefs & practices of Judaism & Christianity Similarities Judaism Christianity
Same prophets from Abraham to Moses Compare & contrast by listing the beliefs & practices of Judaism & Christianity Similarities Judaism Christianity Jesus is founder Bible Sunday / Church Priest Jesus is Messiah Lent & no meat on Fridays Hell & Sins Sacraments & works of mercy Salvation for the weak, poor, the mistreated. Christmas & Easter Abraham is founder Torah & Talmud Saturday /Synagogue Rabbi No Messiah yet Kosher Foods Rosh Hashanah & Passover Monotheism 10 Commandments Heaven 5 Books of Moses Same prophets from Abraham to Moses God is Forgiving Jerusalem is holy All powerful God