AQA Religious Studies A - Buddhism Religion, Crime and Punishment
The treatment of criminals You MUST learn two contrasting religious views about CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. The treatment of criminals Prison – For Buddhists, the primary purpose of putting someone in prison is to protect society from them. Community service – Most Buddhists approve of community service that helps to reform the criminal. The community service needs to address the crime directly and help them to recognise its negative impacts as well as addressing the needs of the victim. Corporal Punishment – breaks the principle of ahimsa and has no benefits at all for those involved. It creates negativity: bitterness and resentment in the mind of the person being punished and encourages callousness on the part of the person administering it. According to the Buddha ‘an action cannot be considered if it brings physical and mental pain to another human being’. Exam question: Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. You should refer to ‘the main religious tradition of Great Britain (Christianity) and one other religious tradition’ (Buddhism). (4 MARKS) - Give a belief/teaching, explain how it applies to the issue and how it affects a person’s decision about that issue. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
You MUST learn two contrasting religious views about FORGIVENESS. The willingness to forgive is central to Buddhism. The person who forgives practises loving-kindness and compassion, which builds up good kamma. Hatred is one of the Three Poisons and makes liberation from samsara impossible. The Buddha taught: ‘Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, but you are the one that gets burned.’ Buddhism teaches that if people do not forgive then they will suffer because they will continue to be angry and resentful. As the Dhammapada says: “’He abused me, he struck me, he overcame me, he robbed me.’ Of those who wrap themselves up in it, hatred is not quenched” The Buddha in the Dhammapada, verse 3. Forgiving a criminal doesn’t mean that their actions will not have consequences – the criminal may still be punished by the law or by someone else. In addition, Buddhism teaches that unskilful actions lead to suffering, so whether or not criminals are punished, they will face the consequences of their actions. Exam question: Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about FORGIVENESS. You should refer to ‘the main religious tradition of Great Britain (Christianity) and one other religious tradition’ (Buddhism). (4 MARKS) - Give a belief/teaching, explain how it applies to the issue and how it affects a person’s decision about that issue. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
Capital Punishment (Death penalty) You MUST learn two contrasting religious views about CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Capital Punishment (Death penalty) The death penalty – Most Buddhists are against the death penalty as it breaks the first moral precept and does not allow for rehabilitation - it shows neither loving kindness nor compassion towards the offender. The Dhammadpada states: ‘All living things fear being put to death. Putting oneself in the place of the other, let no one kill nor cause another to kill’. In addition it makes revenge part of the system, which is unskilful. Buddhism also teaches that it is not possible to create happiness through the suffering of others. Some mainly Buddhist countries use the death penalty as a way of protecting their citizens. The negative kammic effects of the execution of one offender are seen as outweighed by the security given to many people who might otherwise have been his/her victims. This could be seen as showing loving-kindness (metta) to the country’s citizens. Exam question: Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. You should refer to ‘the main religious tradition of Great Britain (Christianity) and one other religious tradition’ (Buddhism). (4 MARKS) - Give a belief/teaching, explain how it applies to the issue and how it affects a person’s decision about that issue. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment Buddhism does not speak in terms of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, instead using the terms ‘skillful’ and ‘unskillful’ actions. A skillful action is rooted in generosity, kindness and understanding whereas an unskilled action comes from selfishness, hatred and ignorance. Kamma teaches that what is most important for Buddhists is the intention that drives the action. The five moral precepts can also be used to help identify skillful and unskillful actions. Generally Buddhists believe that it is correct to follow the law, but that it is even more important to cultivate skillful actions and abandon unskillful ones. The idea of punishment in any form goes against Buddhist ethics since punishment involves causing suffering to someone who has made others suffer. Buddhism seeks to relieve suffering rather than increase it. However, Buddhists do believe that their actions have consequences (the principle of kamma). Buddhists try to understand the causes of crime and to develop a constructive response to criminals. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
Reasons for crime While Buddhism might condemn a crime, it would not condemn the criminal. Instead Buddhism recognises that there are complex reasons and many outside influences that lead people to commit crimes: - Poverty - Upbringing - Mental illness - Addiction - Greed - Hate - Opposition to an unjust law Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
Different types of crime One way of evaluating the seriousness of a crime is through how much harm it causes: the more harm, the worse the action. However, motivation is also a significant factor; committing a crime unintentionally is different than deciding to commit a crime. Within Buddhism it might be possible to commit a crime with a skilful motivation, in which case Buddhism would not consider the action wrong even if the law did. Hatred is one of the three poisons within Buddhism, and the direct opposite of the emotions that Buddhists was to cultivate: loving-kindness and compassion. Therefore, there is not justification in Buddhism for actions based on hatred or intolerance. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment
The aims of punishment Retribution – Buddhists believe this is one of the least positive aims of punishment as it is dependant on causing suffering. Buddhism teaches that this aim of punishment generally creates bitterness and breeds future crime and therefore suffering. Deterrence – Buddhism teaches that a person might be reborn in a realm of suffering if thy act badly in this life. This is evidence of deterrence within Buddhist scripture. Buddhists may agree that it is important to protect society from certain criminals and therefore may support putting criminals in prison. However the motive here would be for the welfare of society, not to punish. Reformation – The overall aim of a Buddhist approach to justice is to encourage the transformation of the criminal so that they begin to act in a more sensitive and responsible way. Buddhist Beliefs: Crime and Punishment