Welcome to your School Library S1 LIBRARY INDUCTION Welcome to your School Library
Contents Welcome Library collections How to pick a book – top tips Reading Expectations Top Readers Library Tour
Welcome Do you remember me? I’m Mrs Scott, the school librarian. I look after the school library. You will visits the library for lots of different reasons. With English you will have a reading period every week as part of your S1 course. Please make sure you have a note of this period on your timetable.
Welcome Cont. The library opening times are on the school website and the library main door = the library is open every lunchtime and Tuesday and Thursday interval. On a Thursday lunchtime we run a film club. We are starting next week with ‘The Martian’. Please check out the library’s twitter @librarybhs1 and the library area on the school website to keep up to date with library news. You can check the library catalogue through the school website as well. Most importantly, this is your school library. All are welcome. It would be lovely to see you.
Library Collections In S1 you can borrow books from the Junior Fiction and Non Fiction collections. This is the ‘Reading for Pleasure’ element of your English course. The Junior Fiction books are organised by genre and by reading level. The Non Fiction books are organised by Dewey Decimal Number. All the shelves are clearly labelled and signposted. Use your eyes to find the books you enjoy reading. But as a rule: Junior Fiction = left side and Non Fiction = right side. There is a book for everyone. You cannot borrow from Teen or Senior Fiction.
Genre Genre is a fancy word for a “kind of story”. The Junior Fiction collection has 16 genres that you can borrow from: Adventure Family/School Poetry War/History Animal Story Fantasy Romance Biography Graphic Novels/Manga Science Fiction Comedy Horror Short Stories Crime/Mystery Multicultural/Scottish Sport
Reading Levels Each book also has a reading level sticker which tells you how hard/easy the book is to read. RED = Confident Reader BLUE = Capable Reader GREEN = Average Reader ORANGE = Unsure Reader Please judge for yourself which colour you are and remember that this is a starting point. You can easily move up a level/colour if you put in a little effort.
Non Fiction You can also borrow from the Non Fiction Collection if you prefer factual books. The school library has non fiction books on lots of different topics: Animals, Sport, Cars, Geography, History, Music to name a few. These are organised by Dewey Decimal number and not genre or author surname. If you are stuck and can’t find a particular book please just as Mrs Scott.
How to Pick a Book Top Tips: Read the blurb at the back or inside cover of each book. Check out the ‘Spotlight’ and ‘Similar Titles’ poster on the literacy display. Look at the ‘Reading Recommendations’ for some of the genres on the shelves. Check out the ‘Book Display’ to see which collection of books Mrs Scott is highlighting this month. Think of your favourite films and TV shows – what type of genre do they belong to? If all else fails ask Mrs Scott.
Reading Expectations R……relax E……enjoy A……activate D……don’t give up
Reading Expectations Cont. This same period next week (or before if you would like to visit at interval or lunchtime) you will borrow your first book. You will keep your book in class. Each class has a plastic storage box which will be used to store your books in your classroom. If you would like to take your book home you must get permission from me to do so. Without permission your book must stay in class.
Top Readers As you read you will earn points. For every book you finish you will earn 1 point. I will total up the scores for each English class every month and post the top ten readers on the school website, library twitter and notice board. At the end of the year the top ten pupils will receive a certificate of reading excellence and the best reader will be awarded the library trophy at the school prize giving next June.