Business & the environment CSR Business & the environment Reputation Management People in the workplace Community affairs
CSR Business & the environment Reporting and regulation of waste Sustainable production Recycling Positive energy buildings
CSR People in the workplace Equal opportunities / promoting diversity Encouraging employee involvement ( Management participatif ) Health & safety Labour standards Family-friendly policies ( crèche/resto/C.E)
CSR Community Affairs Supporting charities (Aids research, The Red Cross…) Developing programmes for effective engagement with local communities.(Building/ Renovating hospitals, schools, shelters for the homeless, tennis courts, art galleries…)
CSR Reputation management Using good practice as part of the marketing message of the company
CSR Leaders and pioneers in CSR The Body Shop developing Fair Trade BP developing green energy Marks & Spencer famous for its diversity and employee involvement Ben and Jerry’s Co-employee management
Made in France AOControlé / AOProtégé (food) New label Some dedicated sites : lemadeinfrance, madinfrance, franceavenue Professional fair “made in France” since 2013 Relocation (ex : Geneviève Lethu/Lejaby)
Fair Trade Food : coffee, tea, chocolate Clothes and shoes Artisanal products Tourism In France too through : ESAT a lot of different labels
Organic food vs GMO Organic food GMO : genetically modified organism
Organic food vs GMO
Green Washing ( éco blanchissage ) Greenwashing is when a company or organization spends more time and money claiming to be “green” through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact. Pure, natural are used Not tested on animals make you forget about the rest of the ingredients Bio = activia BP after Mexico Gulf Oil Spill
YOUR WORK Choose one aspect of CSR and write a 500 word essay on the subject. Watch out for your structure Give concrete exemples Work on the different subjects as you will pick at random one of them for an individual oral presentation