Some illustrative cases The limping child Some illustrative cases
Case #1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5 - Which side is abnormal?
The lines drawn along the superior border of the proximal femur metaphysis (the Klein line) should intersect part of the proximal femoral epiphysis. The patient's right hip (left on the screen) shows the line just touching the lateral margin of the epiphysis. This is abnormal, indicating that the femoral capital epiphysis has slipped inferiorly and medially. The patient's normal left hip (right on the screen) shows the line intersecting the lateral part of the femoral epiphysis. This is normal.
Case 6 Sufe
Case 6
Other pathology
Ewing tumour
Osteoid osteoma
Bone cyst
1 Septic hip 2,3,4 Perthes 5,6 SUFE Other cases - malignancy