By Ali Hussein Omer Causes of Pollution
Pollution is when something is added to the environment that is harmful or poisonous to all living things. What is the Pollution?
Air pollution Water pollution Noise pollution Land pollution Type of Pollution Thermal pollution visual pollution soil pollution Radiaction pollution
Air pollution Water pollution pollution Land pollution Noise pollution
thermal pollution soil pollution visual pollution radioactive pollution
It is very important to understand the causes of pollution to understand the effects it has on everyday life Causes of pollution
Pollution appears in many forms such as: chemical substances, energy, heat or light, and even noise. Causes of pollution
Air Pollution Causes by: Industries Automobiles Fire High Proportion of undesirable gases Air Pollution Effects: Human health (watery eyes, shortness breath) Skin cancer Animals Damage trees and Plants
How to control air pollution? Maintaining a healthy distance between the industrial and residential areas. The automobiles must be designed with emission control system. Using alternative energy sources like solar energy and hydroelectric energy
Water Pollution Causes by: Industrial Waste Sewage Nuclear waste Oil pollution Water Pollution Effects: Diseases like: Cholera, Malaria Typhoid.
How to control Water pollution? Don’t throw paints and oils in water channels. DO NOT dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents or oil down the sink Use environment friendly household products
Noise Pollution Causes by: Traffic Noise Air craft Noise Noise from construction and civil engineering works. Noise from the Industries. Noise Pollution Effects: Hearing Loss High Blood Pressure Stress Sleep Disturbance
How to control Noise pollution? Turn off your electronics when they’re not in use. Close the windows, It keeps away unwanted sound Don’t blow your car’s horn ‘just like that’; make sure you have a valid reason.
Visual Pollution Causes by: buildings. business signs street signs Electric wire graffiti Land Pollution Effects: Distraction. eye fatigue. traffic accidents Effects on the beauty of nature and cities
How to control Visual pollution? DO NOT put many posters in one place together. limiting the number of billboards that can be placed on highways and roads. reduce bannares in front of shops.
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