water facts water facts 2
Water Facts Only 3% of all the water on Earth is freshwater (97% is ocean water) Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid, including sulfuric acid 30% of all freshwater is underground The water found in lakes, streams, rivers, swamps and ponds makes up only 0.3% of the world’s fresh water 68% of all fresh water is trapped in glaciers
Water Facts Approximately 70% of the human body is water The average American uses 100 gallons of water per day Approximately 400 billion gallons of water are used in the United States daily Americans use more water each day by flushing the toilet than showering or any other activity Europeans use 50% less water than Americans
Water Facts More than 25% of bottled water comes from the same place that tap water comes from It takes 6.5 years for an American household to use the amount of water that it takes to fill an Olympic swimming pool (660,000 gallons) It takes 7.5 years for an American household to use the amount of water that falls over Niagara Falls in 1 minute (750,000 gallons) http://www.allaboutwater.org/water-facts.html
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Biological Description: All of the water in every living organism Percentage: 0.0005% Measurement = 2 drops
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Atmosphere Description: Clouds, water vapor, ice crystals Percentage: 0.001% Measurement = 4 drops
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Rivers and Streams Description: all of the rivers and streams on earth Percentage: 0.003% Measurement = 11 drops
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Inland seas Description: all of the saltwater lakes on earth Percentage: 0.006% Measurement = 21 drops
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Freshwater lakes Description: All of the freshwater lakes and dams Percentage: 0.007% Measurement = 27 drops
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: Groundwater Description: all of the water stored underground Percentage: 0.7325% Measurement = 138.5 mL
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: glaciers and ice caps Description: Water frozen near the poles Percentage: 2% Measurement = 378 mL
Where is all the water?? Reservoir: oceans Description: All of the water in all of the oceans Percentage: 97.25 % Measurement = All of the water left in the tank
Distribution of Water on Earth
All the Freshwater on Earth
Water Water covers 71% of Earth’s surface 97% of all of the water on earth is in the OCEANS 3% of all of the water on earth is FRESHWATER, but only 1% of all the freshwater is accessible by humans