Kingsport City Schools FY 2017-2018 Budget Presentation To: City of Kingsport Board of Education May 2, 2017
FY 2017-18 BUDGET State Revenue BEP Funds We have received the revised April Estimate of BEP funds. The estimate is $29,482,000. The FY 18 estimate is $1,523,000 greater than the FY 17 actual amount. There has been $100,000 added to the April estimate. This is for additional funds to be received in January for an anticipated health insurance premium increase.
FY 2017-18 BUDGET County Revenue Property Taxes Pick Up Taxes The current estimate of $19,300,000 is an increase of $1,100,000 over this year’s estimate. The estimate is based on a 1% increase in assessed value. The estimate has also been adjusted for an increase in the ADA% of 0.25%. Pick Up Taxes The estimate for Pick-Up Taxes as been increased by $100,000.
FY 2017-18 BUDGET County Revenue Sales Tax The estimate of $9,770,000 is $727,000 more than the current year estimate of $9,043,000. The estimate is based on an actual FY 17 amount of $9,460,000, with a 2.5% increase in collections. The estimate has also been adjusted for an increase in the ADA% of 0.25%.
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Transfers from the City of Kingsport: For Operations: The recommended budget includes an increase for Transfers from the City for Operations of $113,900. The amount included is $10,465,300. The City Manager has implemented an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index. For Debt Service: The amount included for Transfers for Debt Service has increased by $214,350, for a new amount of $3,264,500.
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Revenue Summary Current FY 18 Revenue Estimate $76,451,800 Revised FY 17 Revenue Estimate 72,729,950 Increase $ 3,721,850
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Step Increases Teacher Step Increases ($300 Steps) $534,300 Classified Step Increases (2% Steps) 157,800 Total Costs of Step Increases $692,100
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Salary Improvements Teacher $1,150 Scale Adjustment 845,200 Classified 2% Scale Adjustment 199,100 Total Salary Improvements $1,044,300
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures New Positions High School Regular Ed Teachers - 2 $139,000 High School Special Ed Teacher 69,500 High School CTE Teacher 69,500 High School Counselor 69,500 Secondary STEM Teacher 69,500 DB Excel Teachers – 2 139,000
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures New Positions Cora Cox Teacher 69,500 Cora Cox Teaching Assistant 23,400 Middle School Related Arts Teacher 69,500 Middle School Special Ed Teacher 69,500 Interim Teacher 69,500 (RNR Principal Leave of Absence) Elementary STEM Teacher 69,500
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures New Positions Elementary Regular Ed Teachers – 3 $208,500 Elementary Teaching/Library Asst – 1.5 36,850 Special Ed Pre-K Teachers – 2 139,000 System-Wide ESL Teacher 69,500 Chinese Teacher 21,000 Regular/Special Ed Bus Drivers – 1.5 32,050 Maintenance Worker 35,700
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Other Personnel Increases Nursing Pay Increase – 4th of 4 phases $ 49,550 Absorb a Portion of Grant Salaries 72,150 Director of Professional Development - 50% Truancy Prevention Specialist - 12.5% Senior Accountant - 10% Coaching Supplements (Annual Step Increase) 63,050 (Includes 3 new positions HS Asst. Track-1, MS Asst. Football-2) Funds for Crossing Guards 20,000
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Other Personnel Increases School Resource Officers $ 14,450 Health Insurance Premium - 7% 209,500 Worker’s Compensation Insurance 23,800
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Other Increases C & I Instructional Supplies $85,000 C & I Naviance Software 56,000 Establish Budget for Cora Cox 16,250 Cora Cox Odysseyware Software 15,000 DBE Design Lab Equipment 25,000 DBE On-Line Funds 11,700
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Other Increases School Allocations (Enrollment) $69,400 Special Ed/CTE – Supplies/Equipment 14,900 Staff Development Funds 20,000 Middle School Athletics 11,600 ASC Condo Expense 20,000 Trustee’s Commission 40,000
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Other Increases Maintenance Expenses $ 56,000 Vehicle Maintenance 32,900 Utilities 60,000 Liability Insurance 38,800 DBE Lease Payments 171,000 Capital Improvement Funds 50,000
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Expenditures Summary of Increases Step Increases/Salary Improvements $1,736,400 New Positions 1,217,500 Other Personnel Increases 452,500 Academic Expenses 324,850 Operational Expenses 247,700 Capital Expenses 221,000
FY 2017-18 BUDGET Budget Summary Proposed FY 18 Budget $76,451,800 Original FY 17 Budget 72,729,950 Increase $ 3,721,850
School Nutrition Services Fund FY 2017-18 Budget The budget for 2017-2018 totals $4,369,600. The School Nutrition Service fund continues to be self-supporting. The budget continues to waive the fee charged to students that qualify for reduced-price meals. The FY 2017-18 budget does not include student meal price increase, but does include a $0.25 increase for adults. There is an appropriation from Unreserved Fund Balance in the amount of $750,000. These funds will be used to fund serving line replacements at Dobyns-Bennett.
Federal Projects Fund FY 2017-18 Budget Title I $1,738,292 Title I – Neglected 18,975 Consolidated Administration 138,409 Title II 282,367 Title III 5,820 IDEA Part-B 1,587,537 IDEA Pre-School 40,128 IDEA 20,880 Carl Perkins 110,786 Total $3,943,194
School Special Projects Fund FY 2017-18 Budget Coordinated School Health $ 123,050 Family Resource Center 50,000 Homeless Education 49,778 Lottery After-School Grant 250,000 State Pre-School Grants 498,322 Safe Schools 49,080 Summer STEM Camp 50,000 Transition School to Work 137,302 Truancy Intervention 53,720 Total $1,261,652
FY 2017-18 Budget Summary General Purpose School Fund $76,451,800 School Nutrition Fund 4,369,600 Federal Projects Fund 3,943,194 School Special Projects Fund 1,261,652 Total All School Funds $86,026,246