Entrepreneurs and Business Organizations Chapter 9
What is an entrepreneur? Entrepreneur: a person or group who invests, creates, or takes on the risk of starting a new business or company. Or, they might have an idea that they think they can profit from. Entrepreneurs affect or help the economy by: Creating jobs Meeting consumer demand for products/services increasing economic growth What is an entrepreneur?
What characteristics would you look for in an entrepreneur? Take a few moments are write down 4 characteristics.
Successful Entrepreneurs are/have… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Is there anybody in here who is thinking about or who wants to start their own business? Successful Entrepreneurs are/have…
Risks and Rewards of Starting a Business Failure Raising the money for the company Financial insecurity Hiring the right employees Long hours Little to no pay Potential for increased pay or profit Freedom in your life Enjoyment of your hobby as your profession Be your own boss Is there anybody in here who is thinking about or who wants to start their own business? There is always the risk of your business failing. Maybe people don’t like the product you’re selling. Raising money for your company is also pretty risky. You might not generate enough capital (money) to start up your business, buy your inputs, etc., Even if you do get your business up and running, that risk of failure means that you are going to face some financial insecurity. You might not be making enough money. You also have to deal with making sure you hire good employees. Bad employees could be a liability. As representatives of your business they are responsible for making your business look good. Starting your on business also means working long hours….you have little to no pay, especially during the first several years of start up. Of course, the flip side of that is once your business takes off and starts doing well, then now you’re making tons of money. Risks and Rewards of Starting a Business
3 Main Types of Businesses Sole Proprietorship: a business owned and managed by one person. Partnership: a business owned by two or more co-owners who share profits. Corporation: owned by public or private shareholders who own stock 3 Main Types of Businesses
Sole Proprietorship Advantages Disadvantages Easy start-up Little paperwork Business name, permits, licenses Few restrictions Make all decisions Keep profits File individual taxes No business taxes Easy to close down Unlimited liability You pay all losses Personally responsible for all debt Create LLCs for protection Limited Liability Company Limited growth potential Limited life Create your Sole Proprietorship-What is your business and in what industry?
Partnerships have 2 or more owners who share the profits and liabilities of the company. Common partnerships include: Family owned business Law firms Medical practices Partnerships
Different Types of Partnerships General Partnerships (GP): all owners share total liability for debts and are involved in all decisions Limited Partnership: there is at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. Limited partner: referred to as a “silent partner”. This person contributes financial capital (money) to the business but does not have a say in day-to-day operations. They only lose what they invest. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): owners act like GPs but have limited liability Llps you see with doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants. Owners want responsibilities of GP but are protected by limited liability Different Types of Partnerships
Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnerships Easy start- up, just need legal agreement: Articles of rules and regulation Few restrictions Share decision-making power Opportunities for specialization File individual taxes Larger growth potential Banks more willing to loan out to multiple partners Unlimited liability for GP Conflict between partners Continuity issues Partners may die or leave the business Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnerships
A business becomes a corporation when it is owned by shareholders who purchased shares of the company’s stock. Venture Capitalist: someone who invests money into a new promising business and receives share of ownership of the company. They provide capital (money) so that a company can grow its business Corporations
Two Types of Corporations Privately Owned: owned by one person or a very small group. Stocks sold to a select group of people Publically Owned: offers stock to the general public and has many shareholders Private: select group = family members Two Types of Corporations
Multinational Corporations Corporations have business in multiple countries Multinational Corporations List 3 Multinational Corporations.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations Limited liability Shareholders only lose what they invest Larger growth potential Professional management Long business life Complex start up Loss of control Board of directors make decisions, business founder Increased government regulation Stockholder meetings required Double taxation Business pays taxes as well as shareholders Professional management: board of directors, specialized employees Business pays taxes on profits shareholders pay taxes on dividends Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations
Franchises, Cooperatives, and Non-Profits Franchise: In which one company has many individual outlets to sell its products or services Cooperatives: business that is owned and operated by a group of individuals for their shared benefit. The goal is to make goods and services more affordable, not to make a profit. Must have some sort of membership to take advantage of shared benefits. Non-profit: Functions like a business aside from the fact that making a profit is not the goal. They are established to support a public or private goal. Foundations, associations, booster clubs Non profits benefit from tax exemptions Franchises, Cooperatives, and Non-Profits
Advantages and disadvantages of Franchises Company expands with each new franchise Cheaper for the company to open new locations itself New owners receive a support system Better chances for profit A customer base already exists Must pay fees to open the franchise Must pay royalties (on top of usual costs of operations) Lack of independence in terms of running the business Company can expand cheaply and without having to manage the stores itself. Basically just selling rights to use its name and brand New owner receives management training, budget training, Advantages and disadvantages of Franchises
Rights and Responsibilities of Businesses Right to advertise Hire and fire employees Screen employees Be compensated for property lost Govt must pay for property they take Right to protect intellectual property Trademarks, patents Obtain permits and licenses Pay taxes Deal honestly Honor contracts Create an equal opportunity workplace Produce safe products Protect whistle-blowers Rights and Responsibilities of Businesses
Business Ethics: Legal vs. Ethical There are things that companies are legally able to do, but this does not mean that they should do those things. Let's Get Ethical Morality is starting to play a big role in the business market. Do you notice a growing trend in companies appealing to your morals? Corporate Responsibility: taking responsibility for a company’s actions that impact Corporate Citizen: something that business strive to be by being considerate of the interests of their stakeholders (those who have an interest in or are affected by a company’s actions) Business Ethics: ways in which companies address corporate responsibility. They are principles that guide the actions of the company and its employees. What are examples of things that businesses can legally do but shouldn’t? How many of you tend to buy from companies who don’t test on animals? Or one-for-one companies? Organic? Made from recycled material? Can you name examples of corporate responsibility? Recent examples? Business Ethics: Legal vs. Ethical
Must Think About the Consumers Consumer Sovereignty: power of consumers to affect the decisions of a company. Consumers communicate their power through their spending. What consumers spend their money shows what they want. Must Think About the Consumers