Week 4 How to apply the Bible correctly
Mini Recap
BENEFITS OF MEMORIZING GOD'S WORD 1. It helps me resist temptation. 2 BENEFITS OF MEMORIZING GOD'S WORD 1. It helps me resist temptation. 2. It helps me make wise decisions. 3. It strengthens me when I'm under stress. 4. It comforts me when I'm sad. 5. It helps me witness to unbelievers.
WHY MEDITATE ON SCRIPTURE. 1. It is the key to becoming like Christ. 2 WHY MEDITATE ON SCRIPTURE? 1. It is the key to becoming like Christ. 2. It is the key to answered prayer. 3. It is the key to successful living.
How to apply the Bible correctly
Very simply stated, application is answering the question “So what Very simply stated, application is answering the question “So what?” Another way of stating would be; Why should I know these facts? How can I Use this information? What am I going to do about what I have just learned? What should I do about it?
Applying the Bible isn't; 1. Gathering information 2 Applying the Bible isn't; 1. Gathering information 2. Understanding concepts 3. Knowing its eternal relevancy
Discuss what you think a person needs to do in order to apply God’s Word to their life.
Steps to personal application include: 1 Steps to personal application include: 1. Receiving the message correctly 2. Reflect and make it personal 3. Ask ‘ What should I do about it? 4. Plan to change
Why is application so hard. 1. It’s HARD work 2 Why is application so hard? 1. It’s HARD work 2. We make WRONG assumptions 3. We FEAR the simplistic
“The Christian life can be reduced to a set of formulas’” Voices of opposition “The Christian life can be reduced to a set of formulas’” "Becoming a Christian and then living the Christian life is not a matter of works but of faith." "God is more interested in our being the right kind "What people really need is sound theology. This emphasis on action is shallow" “Only the Holy Spirit can apply the words of Scripture to a person’s life”
If I open it and understand it, will I do it If I open it and understand it, will I do it? Do I really want to do what God wants? If you are closed to God, reading His Word will be a waste of time!
To overcome application resistance: • Be open to the Word of God • Use a translation of Scripture that you can easily understand • Use Bible study tools • Express your needs to God
How to get the Bible off the shelf and into the self!
All Bible study methods have the same three basic stages; Read, Comprehend and Apply.
Moving from Read to Comprehend takes a BIG jump, as does going from Comprehend to Apply. It's no wonder that many Christians get tired and stop trying.
Climbing the Pyramid
We should identify the people and learn something about them Who are all of the people in this passage? How are these people like people in my world? What characteristics in myself do I see represented in these people?
PLACE What is the setting of the passage? What are the significant details in the history, culture and geography? What are the similarities to my world?
PLOT Plot answers "What's happening?" What is happening in this passage? What is the conflict or tension? What would I have done in this situation? How is this similar to what is happening in my life or in the world today?
POINT What was the intended message for the original audience? What did the people in the passage learn? What did God want them to do? What was God’s solution to the problem?
Jesus used extreme examples (hyperbole or overstatement) to teach that avoiding sin may demand painful sacrifices. A clear understanding of the POINT can prevent damaging misapplications and is invaluable for determining the timeless truths in the passage.
PRINCIPLES What is the message for all of humankind? What are the timeless truths? What is the moral of the story?
Turn to Exodus 3:1-22 and climb UP the pyramid Turn to Exodus 3:1-22 and climb UP the pyramid. Limit your responses to 1 or 2 sentences.