Introduction to Micro Lab
Welcome to Micro Lab The goal of the laboratory is to expose students to the wide variety of life in the microbial world. Although the study of microbiology includes bacteria, viruses, algae and protozoa, this lab will concentrate primarily on the bacteria
Microbiological techniques are important in preparing the students for the much harder task of identifying the pathogenic microorganisms in a clinical and environmental specimen. Each experiment with a brief theoretical introduction revealing the theoretical basis on which the experiment is based on, so that there will be a strong conjunction between the practical and theoretical sessions. Also included in this manual, the safety precautions that each one in the field of microbiology should know and practice
Bacteria belong to the kingdom Monera Bacteria belong to the kingdom Monera. This kingdom contains more biological diversity than all other kingdoms combined. Most people tend to associate bacteria with disease, but less than ten percent of all bacteria cause disease. Many bacteria cannot even live at the temperatures found in and on the human body. In this lab, most of the bacteria with which we will be working are non-pathogenic (do not cause disease). However, some of the bacteria are opportunistic; that is, they can cause disease in an ill or injured person. Therefore, treat all bacteria as if they are pathogenic (cause disease).
Laboratory Safety Rules 1. Wear a lab coat in lab. We will be working with a variety of materials that can cause permanent stains on some fabrics. Also, a lab coat can help protect from accidental contamination by microorganisms No eating or drinking during lab. Many pathogens spread by ingested food and drink. In addition, food can carry microorganisms that might contaminate laboratory cultures
Laboratory Safety Rules Keep long or fluffy hair tied up and out of the way. Hair can contaminate and be contaminated by microbial cultures. Always wear shoes in lab Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before and after lab. Thorough and frequent hand washing easily and effectively controls the spread of many pathogens.
Laboratory Safety Rules Clean the lab bench with disinfectant before and after lab. This helps to prevent contamination of cultures, books, clothing, etc Keep the lab bench free of unnecessary materials. Don't use the lab bench as a storage area for coats, books, etc. Do not take cultures from the lab area
Laboratory Safety Rules Dispose all contaminated materials in autoclave bags. When in doubt, ask the instructor. Immediately report all accidents and spills to the instructor. Cover spills with disinfectant-soaked paper towels for at least 15 minutes before disposing them Read all assigned materials before the lab session. Experiments will go smoother and have greater chances of success when you know what you will be doing ahead of time
Laboratory Safety Rules Treat all microbial cultures as if they are pathogens. Better safe than sorry When in doubt, ask the instructor. The only stupid questions are those that are intended as such.
NOTES 1. Personal belongings are not to be stored in the laboratory. 2. You will be assigned to a group consisting of four students and you will work together in a semester long project
Lab requirements Lab coat Matches or lighter Soap Waterproof permanent marker Small or medium size towel Sealable plastic bag Rubber band General Microbiology Manual
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Dettol Microscope Staining solutions Microscopic slides Bunsen burner
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Forceps Wooden tongue depressor and swabs Sterile cups Normal saline Syringes
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Incubator Autoclave
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Laminar flow Hood
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Culture Plates or Petri Dishes Flaming Nichrome loop Plastic Loops and Needles
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Anaerobic Jar Candle jar
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Anaerobic station
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Enterotube API 20 E
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Liquid media in tubes Solid media in tubes
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Different forms of slants
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Blood culture bottles
Acquaint yourself with microbiology lab Antibiotic disks
Try to Identify all the tools and Equipment around you Now Try to Identify all the tools and Equipment around you