Cell Structure and Function


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Presentation transcript:

Cell Structure and Function White Blood Cells Red Blood Cells

Cell Basics Answer the following the best you can. 1) What is a cell? Give an example. 2) Draw a cell and label it’s parts

Cell Basics Smallest Unit of Living Things Organisms can be Unicellular only one cell Multicellular made of many cells Amoeba: a unicellular organism Lion: a multicellular organism

Cell Basics Cells can be Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Unicellular E.coli: Prokaryotic organism Cells can be Prokaryotic Unicellular No Nucleus (simple) Example: Bacteria Eukaryotic Uni or Multicellular Has a nucleus (complex) Example: Lion Tree: Eukaryotic organism

Cell Discovery Leeuwenhoek Hooke Invented the microscope Made first drawings of creatures in pond water Hooke Early Naturalist Named cells From looking at cork

Cell Theory All organisms are made of one or more cells Cells are the basic units of structure and function in all living things All cells come from already existing cells Schleiden Virchow Schwann

Cell Size

Animal Cell Eukaryotic Cells Multicellular Contains cell parts Called organelles

Parts of the Cell Cell membrane Outer boundary of cell Allows only certain materials to pass through (semi-permeable) Flexible Made of a double layer of fats with proteins scattered throughout

Parts of the Cell Cytoplasm Gel-like material inside the cell membrane and outside the nucleus Contains water and chemicals Where processes of the cell take place Constantly moving

Parts of the Cell Nucleus Directs cell activities Includes: DNA/Chromatin (info to make a new cell) Nuclear Membrane (outside of Nucleus) Nucleolus (makes RNA) Nucleoplasm (inside of nucleus)

Parts of the Cell Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell Where sugar is broken down and energy is released Muscle cells have large amounts of mitochondria

Parts of the Cell Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Folded Membrane Located near nucleus Moves materials around in the cell Where proteins are made Where ribosomes are located

Parts of the Cell Ribosome Where proteins are made Located on the ER Can also be free-floating

Parts of the Cell Golgi Bodies Stacks of membrane sacs Package and move proteins and fats to the outside of the cell

Parts of the Cell Lysosome Contains chemicals that digest wastes and worn-out cell parts Break down food

Parts of a Cell Vacuole Used to store water, food, and other materials Multiple small vacuoles in animals cells One large vacuole in plant cells

Plant Cell Plant cells have specialized structures that allow them to function Cell Wall Chloroplast Chlorophyll

Plant Cell Cell Wall Rigid outside of a plant cell Outside of the cell membrane Provides support for the plant Made of cellulose

Plant Cell Chloroplast Where sugar is made Contains chlorophyll Light energy, with water and carbon dioxide is converted into sugar and oxygen Contains chlorophyll Traps the sun light

Plant vs. Animal Cell Plant cells have: Animal cells have: Cell wall Chloroplast One vacuole Animal cells have: Many small vacuoles

Cell Organization