Welcome to Ms. Tipton’s 8th grade Reading/Enrichment class
About Myself Have taught for 23 years; 8th year at Central Magnet Bachelor’s, Masters, Educational Specialist degree Married for 26 years 2 Sons: college and high school Love camping, traveling, boating, hiking, swimming, horse-back riding, being with my family
Registration/Locker Fee/Agendas Bring $2.00 to 1st period teacher for locker: will assign lockers on that day. Registration forms will be due Wednesday Student Handbook: Initial every blank on the last page: parent and student signature Computer labs and access Agendas: highly recommended (not required) Nurse Forms: Please email me with any medical issues so that we can be aware. (food allergies, etc.) I will send forms to nurse to process.
Proof of Residence Please bring proof of residence ASAP Copy of utility bill: put child’s name; grade; 1st period teacher Student Handbook: last page; initial every line and sign at bottom.
Reading Enrichment: novel studies: 2 novels: 1 fall; 1 spring TBA Language and Grammar (ACT prep for Reading and Language) Academic Vocabulary Movement/Exercise Component into School Day via Middle School Reading Enrichment Teachers Computer Lab: Explore and ACT test prep Typing in Computer Lab(Testing online: writing) Independent Reading Time Outside Reading: Reading for enjoyment/Lifelong readers library visits biweekly (yellow tabs: mature content) 1st visit per month: Quick 15 minute checkout 2nd visit per month: Mini lesson with librarian; Quick Checkout (whole class)
Summer Reading Assignment: Deadline: Friday, August 18th(If new transfer student, please let me know if more time is needed) Ms. Tipton’s Webpage: CMS, Resources, Student Links(print a copy if needed) OR CMS Library Webpage Read 2 books: 1. Must Read: The Wednesday Wars: will use as mentor text to teach reading, writing, and language skills for first 9 weeks: comprehension test 2. Choose one book from the 6 choice books in nonfiction list: assessed via writing assignments, etc.
8th Grade Team Policies/Procedures: Late Work 80% Credit (All late work earns 80% credit at most.) ---Late work will be accepted up to two days after the summative assessment. After this, late work is not accepted. Remediation All 8th-grade team members (Taylor, Ruess, Tipton, Quinn, and Walker) offer remediation opportunities. Please include this info in your presentation at orientation. Misuse of Technology Absence County Policy: 5 days from the day he/she returned to complete and turn in missed work: Grade Book Codes: ABN=student was absent and was not penalized or counted against student ABI=student was absent and received a “0” due to after 5 day policy. MI= missing work and averaged in as a “0”. Phone Policy:
County and School Policies/Procedures (see Student Handbook) Absent: 5 days to makeup work from the day the student returns If prolonged illness, please email me so that we can accommodate your child. Late Work: TBA for school-wide policy It is the student’s responsibility for coming to get makeup during 5th period study hall or 7:45 or 3:00. Check website: updated beginning of each week Check online grades at least once per week Late Work: 20% penalty; due within 2 days of assessment of unit or 1 week after due date
Dress Code: Shorts or skirts must be finger tip length NO low cut tops- undergarments should not be visible Leggings are acceptable IF the top is finger tip length Holes in jeans must below finger tips NO off shoulder tops/dresses/ blouses
1st nine weeks Syllabus: (posted on webpage): Novel Study: The Wednesday Wars (reading, writing, and language activities) Grammar/Language Academic Vocabulary Computer lab: ACT Prep, Explore Testing Prep Library Orientation and bi-weekly visits/mini-lessons Typing in Computer Lab ? Movement Public Speaking Independent Reading Challenge
2nd nine weeks Novel Study: The Giver (reading, writing, and language activities) Grammar/Language Academic Vocabulary Bi-weekly library visits/mini-lesson Computer lab: ACT Prep, Explore Testing Prep Typing in Computer Lab Movement Public Speaking Independent Reading Challenge
3rd 9 Weeks Novel Study: Code Orange (reading, writing, and language activities) Typing in Computer Lab Academic Vocabulary Bi-weekly library visits/mini-lessons Computer lab: Test and ACT Prep Standardized test practice Movement Public Speaking Independent Reading Challenge
4th 9 Weeks Genius Hour Project Bi-weeky library visits/mini-lessons Academic Vocabulary Computer lab: Test and ACT Prep Movement Public Speaking Independent Reading Challenge
Reading Enrichment Class Supply List: (website) 1 composition notebook notebook paper #2 pencils or lead pencils colored pencils highlighters glue stick sticky notes tissues
WISH LIST: ink pens scissors Clorox wipes hand sanitizer candy for treats Index cards: small white, colored, different sizes Markers File folders Tissue Ziplock bags (quart, gallon)
Central Magnet School: Middle School Independent Reading Challenge: 25 Book Independent Reading Challenge Library is organized into categories https://bookwhisperer.com/2014/08/12/the-40-book- challenge- revisited/?utm_content=bufferdf86e&utm_medium=socia l&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Twenty-Five Book Independent Reading Requirements Central Magnet School 8th grade Reading and Enrichment 2015-2016 2 Poetry Anthologies (Library 800’s) • 1 Mythology (Library 290’s) • 2 Folk and/or Fairy Tale Collections • 2 Realistic Fiction • 1 Historical Fiction • 1 Fantasy Dystopian/Sci Fi/Fantasy • 1 Mystery/Suspense/Paranormal Suspense • 1 Graphic Novel (Library 741.5) • 10 Informational Texts • 2 Biography/Collective Biography/Autobiography/Memoir • 2 Choice Chapter Books
Independent Reading Challenge: 2nd Semester A. Author study: choose an author and read four of his/her books. B. Genre study: choose a genre and read four titles. C. Read a Series: choose a series you have not read that contains at least three books and read every book in that series. D. Choose a topic of interest (for example: gymnastics, the ocean, horses, the Civil War) and read four books on that topic. You may want to choose both fiction and nonfiction titles. E. Make a Book Club: Choose a novel to read at the same time as a friend. Determine a time to meet and discuss your feelings and opinions about the book. Take brief notes about the things you discussed about the novel. F. The Geography Challenge: Choose novels that take place in different countries or in different states in the U.S. Read novels from four different geographic locations. G. Develop your own challenge and get it approved.
Schedule: Rotate to all classes except advisory
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to have a great year! Usually the only problems I really can’t solve are the ones I don’t know about. Lockers/locks stress: take them home to practice the combination.
Central Magnet Middle School Enrichment Classes: Straight 7 Days: Dirt Time: Daily Independent Reading Time: 10 minutes (dependent on novel study) Mini-lesson: 17 minutes Movement: 20 minutes Block Days: Mini-lesson: 45 minutes Movement: 30 minutes