What is Bullying?
Bullying is: individual or group usually repeated over time intentionally hurts physically or emotionally
Direct Bullying Direct bullying is when the bullying is done directly to the target – he or she might be pushed, hit, tripped, called names, have things taken, have signs made at them etc.
Indirect Bullying Happens behind someone’s back (spreading rumours, whispering, making signs to each other, stealing or damaging things) Leaving someone out, for example making up excuses why they can’t come rather than telling them directly.
Bullying or falling out with friends? Friends have disagreements and arguments Friends sometimes say mean words to each other and hurt each other accidentally. Friends may feel angry at each other for a short time. It is usually a one off incident and not bullying.
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 1. Every day Sabina tells Jack that if he doesn’t give her his money she will beat him up. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 2. Bibi and Latifa are having an argument. Latifa refuses to speak to Bibi even though they are friends. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 3. Every time the class works in groups Joel is always left out and no-one wants to work with him. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 4. Paul (year 6) won’t let Sanjay (year 5) borrow his Play Station 3. Sanjay yells at Paul and calls him an idiot. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 5. Every time Rudi is getting changed for PE, some boys come over and throw his trainers around, saying that the trainers are ‘gay’. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above 6. Rashid finds out that some girls in his class have been sending text messages about him, calling him a ‘retard’. A) Direct Bullying B) Indirect Bullying C) Friendship fall-out D) None of the above
The worst thing is…?
Bullying Types: Physical Hitting, kicking, spitting, punching, pushing etc. Taking or damaging belongings Threatening to do any of the above
Bullying Types: Cyber Nasty messages or pictures by: Phone Email Social Networking Other technology
If you wouldn’t say it in person… http://youtu.be/bdQBurXQOeQ
Bullying Types: Verbal
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can also hurt me.
Bullying Types: Prejudice Related Because of the way they dress or look Because of special needs or disability Because someone doesn’t live with their parents Homophobic Racist Because they look after someone in their family Because of not behaving like most girls / boys Because of religion Because of nationality
Consequences of bullying Can’t learn Leave school early Very unhappy Feeling bad about yourself Feeling bad about yourself Lonely Affects your whole life Scared of going to school Difficulty eating or sleeping
The Law Bullying can break laws – the police may get involved An 18 year old girl from Worcestershire was sentenced to 3 months in a young offender institution for posting death threats on Facebook
Consequences of “doing nothing” 3 People Involved in Bullying Bully Target Bystander
Fight for yourself, pansy I don’t like this You deserve this Ha ha! Fight for yourself, pansy If I say something they’ll pick on me Gay boy! What did I do?
What do you think? Are you a Bystander? How can we make bystanders become witnesses? Why don’t young people do anything?
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