Pearson US AI Thought Leadership poll HE Audiences October 2017 Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 1
Agenda for today 4 Executive Summary 10 AI is ready to be embraced in daily life, but is not associated with education 16 AI is expected to improve society, but requires close regulation 22 AI is expected to support teaching and learning in Higher Education, and widen access to it 36 Making AI work in Higher Education
Objectives and Methodology PSB conducted a quantitative online poll in September 2017, among Higher Education audiences in the US. A total of 500 interviews were conducted, 250 among HE Educators and 250 among HE Learners. Broad quotas were used to ensure a national spread of respondents. The objectives of this study were to understand and gauge the appetite and expectations for Artificial Intelligence to improve Higher Education, both today and in the future. Insights are to be used for public release to raise interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education teaching and learning, ahead the IBM Watson component of Revel going live. Sample framework US HE Audiences Overall 500 HE Educators 250 HE Learners
Executive Summary
Executive Summary 1 The majority are comfortable with AI in daily life, believing it will bring more benefits than drawbacks But around half are sceptical about whether there will be widespread adoption of AI in the next 10 years, especially Millennials AI is associated with robots and automation and is not necessarily related to the education sector and products AI is a threat that needs regulation, yet, has major potential benefits, e.g. solving problems and making life easier The societal benefits of AI are widely embraced with many looking towards the improvements it can make to making people’s lives easier, solving current challenges and improving the economy. However, it is considered a potential threat to personal privacy and employment, and it is therefore felt to need Government regulation AI is expected to improve Higher Education and become commonplace within the next 20 years, not just in supporting teaching and learning, but also in widening access Aiding scientific research, improving learning, and widening access to Higher Education are considered the key benefits of AI While student privacy is considered a risk, the main concern is that AI will make students lazy Most feel AI should and will be used to personalize learning, support teaching, and help students with learning difficulties Audiences feel AI should be used to increase student-centred learning more than it is expected to be HE Educators expect to use AI to support their teaching eventually, though a quarter feel their job is at risk Policymakers and HE administrators are considered the most important stakeholders (outside of scientists) for AI’s successful application to education To successfully embed AI in Higher Education, adequate funding, training, and knowledge about what AI products can do are considered the most critical barriers to overcome 2 3 4
1 The majority are comfortable with AI in daily life believing it will bring more benefits than drawbacks Comfort with the idea of AI being used in daily life Top of mind word when hearing AI AI brings more … Q. How would you describe your level of comfort with the idea of Artificial Intelligence being used in daily life? (Showing very + somewhat comfortable and very + somewhat uncomfortable) Q. Which of the following is closer to your opinion? Q. When you hear “Artificial Intelligence”, what is the first word that springs to mind?
2 AI is a threat that needs regulation, yet, has major potential benefits, e.g. solving ‘impossible’ problems and making life easier Agree that our Government should regulate AI more closely 64% Agree that AI is a threat to Personal Privacy 62% How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
3 AI is expected to improve Higher Education and become commonplace within the next 20 years, not just in supporting teaching and learning, but also in widening access Top ranked benefits of AI in Higher Education 1 Aid scientific research 3 Improve student learning 2 Improve access to education 4 Help struggling students 5 Save money When will AI be commonplace in Higher Education? Top ranked drawbacks of AI in Higher Education 1 Make students lazy 3 Compromise student privacy 2 Impact teaching quality 4 Inhibit soft skills learning 5 Reduce or prevent real learning Q. When do you believe Artificial Intelligence will be commonplace in higher education? Q. What do you think could be the top three most important benefits of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Q. And what do you think could be the top three biggest risks of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Of Educators feel AI is an exciting innovation 4 HE Educators expect to use AI to support their teaching eventually, though a quarter feel their job is at risk Of Educators feel AI is an exciting innovation 70% Feeling job is at risk from AI Likelihood of reasons why AI may not impact HE Funding, training, knowledge and infrastructure seen as biggest drawbacks on impact of AI Q. There are a number of potential reasons why Artificial Intelligence might not have a large impact on higher education. How likely do you find each of the following reasons? (Showing very + somewhat likely)
AI is ready to be embraced in daily life, but is not associated with education
Comfort with the idea of AI being used in daily life The majority are comfortable with the idea of AI being used regularly in their lives and see it as beneficial Comfort with the idea of AI being used in daily life by institution type AI brings… by institution type Q. How would you describe your level of comfort with the idea of Artificial Intelligence being used in daily life? (Showing very + somewhat comfortable) Q. Which of the following is closer to your opinion? Artificial Intelligence brings with it more benefits than drawbacks/ drawbacks than benefits/ Don’t know
Comfort with the idea of AI being used in daily life Those learning /teaching STEM subjects are more comfortable with and positive towards AI, as are Generation X Comfort with the idea of AI being used in daily life By Subject By Generation AI brings… By Subject By Generation Q. How would you describe your level of comfort with the idea of Artificial Intelligence being used in daily life? (Showing very + somewhat comfortable) Q. Which of the following is closer to your opinion? Artificial Intelligence brings with it more benefits than drawbacks/ drawbacks than benefits/ Don’t know
Expectation that AI will be widely adopted in the next 10 years But only half expect AI to be widely adopted in the next 10 years, and millennials are especially sceptical Expectation that AI will be widely adopted in the next 10 years AI is a lot of hype Q. Which of the following innovations do you expect will be widely adopted in your country within the next 10 years? Please select all that apply. (Showing % selecting AI) Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements: I think Artificial Intelligence is a lot of hype (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
Expectation that AI will be widely adopted in the next 10 years Those studying/teaching STEM subjects are more optimistic about AI’s adoption, yet are also more accepting it’s a lot of hype Expectation that AI will be widely adopted in the next 10 years While more likely to expect its widespread adoption, those teaching/studying STEM subjects are also more likely to think that AI is just hype AI is a lot of hype Q. Which of the following innovations do you expect will be widely adopted in your country within the next 10 years? Please select all that apply. (Showing % selecting AI) Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements: I think Artificial Intelligence is a lot of hype (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
When people hear AI they think of robots and automation, not educational products Top of mind word when hearing AI Commonly used products most associated with AI Closest associations with AI (Showing top 3) Q. When you hear Artificial Intelligence, what is the first word that springs to mind? Q. When you hear a reference to Artificial Intelligence, how likely are you to think of… ? Q. Which of the following categories of commonly used products or services do you most associate with Artificial Intelligence?
AI is expected to improve society, but not without close regulation
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Most feel AI will make their lives and jobs easier, especially those involved in STEM subjects How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Those that learn/teach STEM subjects are more likely to feel AI will make their jobs easier STEM agree: 55% Non-STEM agree: 38% STEM agree: 47% Non-STEM agree: 39% 1 in 3 are concerned with their jobs being replaced Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Showing strongly + somewhat agree) 17
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Those at Private and 4-year institutions are generally more optimistic about AI’s future impact How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
The majority also feel AI will help improve the economy in the near future Likelihood of AI having a good impact on the economy within the next 50 years By Subject By Tech Adoption rate Those that learn/teach STEM subjects and early tech adopters are more likely to think AI will have a positive impact on the economy Q. Artificial Intelligence will have a good impact on our economy : How likely are the following to happen within the next 50 years? (Showing % very + somewhat likely)
Still, AI is considered a potential threat to personal privacy that should be regulated by the government Our government should regulate AI more closely (Showing % agree) AI is a threat to personal privacy (Showing % agree) Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
The need for regulating AI is felt equally across audience, regardless of institution type Our government should regulate AI more closely (Showing % agree) AI is a threat to personal privacy (Showing % agree) Q. As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Showing strongly + somewhat agree)
AI is expected to support teaching and AI is expected to support teaching and learning in Higher Education, and widen access to it
When will AI be commonplace in Higher Education? AI is expected to improve Higher Education and become commonplace there within the next 20 years When will AI be commonplace in Higher Education? Educators and Learners involved in STEM subjects expect AI to be common in Higher Education sooner than those involved in non-STEM subjects such as the humanities Q. When do you believe Artificial Intelligence will be commonplace in higher education?
When will AI be commonplace in Higher Education? Learners and those at Private institutions expect AI’s arrival in Higher Education to be sooner than Educators and those at Public institutions When will AI be commonplace in Higher Education? Q. When do you believe Artificial Intelligence will be commonplace in higher education?
Aiding scientific research, improving learning and widening access to Higher Education are considered the top potential benefits of AI Highest ranked important benefits of AI in Higher Education (Showing top 5) 1 Aid scientific research 2 Improve access to education 3 Improve student learning 4 Help struggling students 5 Save money Q. What do you think could be the top three most important benefits of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
HE Educators value saving money and teachers time as potential benefits of AI less than HE Learners, but value keeping students engaged more Highest ranked important benefits of AI in Higher Education (Showing top 8) Educators Learners Aid scientific research Improve access to education for students Improve student learning Help students who are struggling Keep students engaged with the learning process Save money Save teachers’ time Give teachers insights into students’ learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. What do you think could be the top three most important benefits of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Baby Boomers care less about AI’s role in increasing access to education, while Gen-X are comparatively more concerned with AI saving teachers’ time Highest ranked important benefits of AI in Higher Education (Showing top 8) Overall HE Educator HE Learner Millennials Gen-X Baby Boomers 4 year 2 year Public Private STEM Non-STEM Aid scientific research 1 Improve access to education for students 2 8 4 3 Improve student learning Help students who are struggling 5 6 Save money 7 Keep students engaged with the learning process Save teachers' time Give teachers insights into students' learning Q. What do you think could be the top three most important benefits of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education (Showing top 5) While student privacy is considered a risk, the main concern is that AI will make students lazy Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education (Showing top 5) 1 Make students lazy 2 Impact teaching quality 3 Compromise student privacy 4 Inhibit soft skills learning 5 Reduce or prevent real learning Q. And what do you think could be the top three biggest risks of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education HE Learners are more worried about AI disrupting their learning in the classroom, and compromising student privacy, than HE Educators Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education Educators Learners Make students lazy Impact teaching quality Compromise student privacy Inhibit soft skills learning Reduce or prevent real learning Be a distraction in the classroom Take up too much time in the classroom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. And what do you think could be the top three biggest risks of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education However, Baby Boomers are the least worried about students becoming lazy, while Gen-X are less worried that AI will impact teaching quality Highest ranked risks of AI in Higher Education Overall HE Educator HE Learner Millennials Gen-X Baby Boomers 4 year 2 year Public Private STEM Non-STEM Make students lazy 1 4 2 Impact teaching quality 5 6 3 Compromise student privacy Inhibit soft skills learning Reduce or prevent real learning Will be a distraction in the classroom Will take up too much time in the classroom 7 Other 8 Q. And what do you think could be the top three biggest risks of Artificial Intelligence in higher education? Please rank your top three by putting a 1, 2, and 3 next to three of the following answer choices.
Most feel AI should and will be used to personalize learning, support teaching, and help students with learning difficulties Privacy Concerns To support struggling students, reduce beuracracy and personalize learning Will be used Early technology adopters are more in favour of using AI for a student-centred approach (68%) than those who tend to adopt new technology late (55%) Should be used Q. Within the next 5 years, how likely do you believe Artificial Intelligence will be used as follows in higher education? (Showing very likely + likely) Q. And, in what ways do you believe Artificial Intelligence should be used in higher education within the next 5 years? Please select the top 3.
Likely uses of AI in Higher Education Those at Private institutions are more likely to feel that AI will be used to support teaching and make learning more student-oriented Likely uses of AI in Higher Education Q. Within the next 5 years, how likely do you believe Artificial Intelligence will be used as follows in higher education? (Showing very likely + likely)
Feeling job is at risk from AI Educators expect to use AI to support their teaching eventually though a quarter feel their job is personally threatened Educator expectations of when they will use AI to support their teaching Of Educators feel AI is an exciting innovation 70% Feeling job is at risk from AI Those who give assignments that require time-consuming grading more than once a month are more likely to feel their role as a teacher will not be replaced by AI (66%) than those giving out such assignments less often (53%) Q. When do you expect you will be using Artificial Intelligence to support your teaching? Q. My job is at risk from Artificial Intelligence : As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements Q. Artificial Intelligence is an exciting innovation : As it relates to Artificial Intelligence, how much would you agree or disagree with the following statements
Expectation of using AI to support teaching Educators at 4-year, Public institutions, and teaching STEM are most likely expect to use AI to support their teaching within the next twenty years Expectation of using AI to support teaching Q. When do you expect you will be using Artificial Intelligence to support your teaching? Q. Do you expect that Artificial Intelligence will replace your role?
Expectation that AI will replace their role Educators teaching STEM subjects, while more open to AI, are also more likely to expect it to replace their role eventually Expectation that AI will replace their role Those who give assignments that require time-consuming grading more than once a month are more likely to feel their role as a teacher will not be replaced by AI (66%) than those giving out such assignments less often (53%) Q. When do you expect you will be using Artificial Intelligence to support your teaching? Q. Do you expect that Artificial Intelligence will replace your role?
Making AI work in Higher Education
Policymakers and HE administrators are considered the most important stakeholders outside of AI scientists for AI’s successful application to education Importance in the successful application of AI in Higher Education (Showing % very important) Those who are first to adopt new technologies think students will be the most important Those from private institutions are more likely to feel Faculty members and Chief academic officers will be influential than those from public institutions Q. There are a number of groups of people who have the potential to influence the successful application of Artificial Intelligence in higher education. How important do you believe each of the following groups will be? (Showing very important)
Those at Private institutions are more likely to feel that Engineers and Chief Academic Officers are important to the successful application of AI in HE Importance in the successful application of AI in Higher Education (Showing % very important) Q. There are a number of groups of people who have the potential to influence the successful application of Artificial Intelligence in higher education. How important do you believe each of the following groups will be? (Showing % very important)
Likelihood of reasons why AI may not impact HE To successfully embed AI in Higher Education, adequate funding, training, and knowledge about what AI products can do are considered most critical Likelihood of reasons why AI may not impact HE Educators expect insufficient training and infrastructure to be greater barriers to adopting AI than Learners do Funding, training, knowledge and infrastructure seen as biggest drawbacks on impact of AI Q. There are a number of potential reasons why Artificial Intelligence might not have a large impact on higher education. How likely do you find each of the following reasons? (Showing very + somewhat likely)
Likelihood of reasons why AI may not impact HE Those at 2-year institutions and teaching/learning STEM subjects feel it is more likely that AI will impact Higher Education Likelihood of reasons why AI may not impact HE Q. There are a number of potential reasons why Artificial Intelligence might not have a large impact on higher education. How likely do you find each of the following reasons? (Showing very + somewhat likely)