The Book of Genesis Lesson 2: Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.
Second Day: Air and Water Fifth Day: Birds and Fish Seventh Day: God rested
Cain kills Abel (Gen. 4:8) Matthew 24:37-39 – Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah so it would be when He returns. Before the flood people “were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day” Noah entered into the ark. It was business as usual, and no one paid any attention to the preaching of Noah.
Genesis 11:1-4 – They built a tower to the sky and stayed in one place. Genesis 12:2-3 – God told Abraham He would bless all the nations of the world through his seed.
Through which tribe does Jesus come? Sons of Jacob: Reuben Judah Gad Zebulon Simeon Dan Asher Joseph Levi Naphtali Issachar Benjamin Through which tribe does Jesus come? Judah
Genesis 45:4-8 & 50:18-20 – Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, yet God enabled him to become ruler in Egypt so that he could save the nation of Israel.