2016 Taft College Student Success Scorecard Report to Board, Faculty, Staff, & Public June 8th 2016
--Background-- Assembly Bill 1417 and ARCC In 2004, Assembly Bill 1417 triggered the creation of a performance measurement system for the California Community Colleges (CCC). That legislation and ensuing budget action authorized the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to design and implement a performance measurement system containing performance indicators for the system and its colleges. This comprehensive system was known as the Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges, or ARCC. The Student Success Task Force (SSTF) recommended the implementation of a new California Community College accountability framework whose purpose is to provide stakeholders with clear and concise information on key student progress and success metrics in order to improve performance. The recommendation specified that a “scorecard” be built on the existing reporting system, the ARCC. To satisfy the request of the SSTF, the ARCC Advisory Workgroup, which guided the development of the initial accountability system in 2005, was reconvened. The workgroup was represented by individuals from various community college organizations and stakeholder groups, as well as researchers with technical expertise in performance measures. This technical workgroup reviewed the existing framework and designed the new Scorecard. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
--The Scorecard-- The Scorecard Components Part of the Scorecard focuses on the performance of each individual college in the system. The indicators of the Scorecard measure both intermediary progress and completion at each California Community College for five annual cohorts of students. The Scorecard metrics include: Persistence Rate Remedial Rates for Math, English, and ESL 30 Units Rate Career Technical Education (CTE) Rate Completion Rate Student Information (Demographics) These metrics are similar to but different from the metrics used in the previous ARCC Reports. The definition of each metric is given in the following sections where that metric is presented. Disaggregation of Scorecard Results The Scorecard results are broken down by (1) “entry” level (prepared or remedial), (2) gender, (3) age group, and (4) race. Selected results are presented here. The complete results are available from the Research Office. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
--Selected Results-- Persistence Rate (Overall, Prepared by Gender) Remedial Rate Math Remedial Rate (Overall, Overall by Gender) English Remedial Rate (Overall, Overall by Gender) ESL Remedial Rate (Overall) 30 Units Rate (Overall, Prepared by Race) Completion Rate Career Technical Education (CTE) Rate (Overall, Overall by Gender) Completion Rate (Overall, Prepared by Gender, Overall by Entry Level) Student Information (Demographics) 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Persistence Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The Overall Persistence Rate is the percentage of degree and/or transfer-seeking first-time students with at least six units who attempted any math or English course at Taft College in their first three years and subsequently enrolled in two additional consecutive primary terms anywhere in the system. This metric is considered a milestone or momentum point because research shows that students who complete their first three terms are more likely to complete a certificate or degree or to transfer. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Persistence Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 73.4% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Prepared Persistence Rate for Five Cohorts by Gender Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Math Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The Math Remedial Rate is defined as the percentage of credit students who started out at two or more levels below transfer level in math and, within six years, they successfully completed a math course at one level below transfer level or any transfer-level math course. The cohort is tracked from the time the student attempts a course at two or more levels below transfer level in math at Taft College. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Math Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 32.7% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Math Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts by Gender Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall English Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The English Remedial Rate is defined as the percentage of credit students who started out at any level below transfer in English and they successfully completed a transfer-level English course within six years. The cohort is tracked from the time the student attempts a course at any level below transfer in English at Taft College. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall English Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 45.4% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
English Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts by Gender Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall ESL Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The English as a Second Language (ESL) Remedial Rate is computed by taking the percentage of credit students who start out at any level in ESL and successfully completed the ESL sequence or a transfer-level English course within six years. The ESL students are tracked from the time the student attempts an ESL course at Taft College, that is, they may take an ESL course and in the same semester complete a transfer level English course. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall ESL Remedial Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall 30 Units Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The Overall 30 Units Rate is defined as the percentage of degree and/or transfer seeking first time Taft College students who achieve at least 30 units after six years in the system. This metric is also a milestone or momentum point. Research studies show that credit accumulation, specifically 30 units, is positively correlated with college completion and wage gain. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall 30 Units Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 67.6% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Prepared 30 Units Rate for Five Cohorts by Race Figure 73.2% 57.1% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall CTE Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The CTE Rate is defined as the percentage of students who completed at least eight units classified as career technical education (or vocational) in a single discipline and, within six years after taking the first course, completed a degree, certificate, or transfer related outcome (transferred to a 4-year institution or completed 60 transferable units with a GPA of 2.0 or higher). 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall CTE Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 51.4% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall CTE Rate for Five Cohorts by Gender Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Completion Rate for Five Cohorts Definition The Overall Completion Rate is defined as the percentage of first-time students with a minimum of six units earned who attempted any math or English course in the first three years and, within six years, earned a certificate, degree, or achieved a transfer related outcome (transferred to four-year university or earned 60 units with a GPA of 2.0 or higher). Completion rates are reported for the overall group. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Overall Completion Rate for Five Cohorts Figure 47.1% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Prepared Completion Rate for Five Cohorts by Gender Figure 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Completion Rate for Five Cohorts by Starting Level Figure 37.4% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
Student Information (2014-2015) Students 9,649 Gender % Female 31.0% Male 68.7% Unknown 0.3% Race/Ethnicity % African American 6.2% American Indian/ Alaskan Native 0.7% Asian 1.7% Filipino 1.1% Hispanic 55.9% Pacific Islander 0.3% White 31.6% Two or More 2.2% Unknown 0.4% Other Info FTES 2,532.4 Credit Sections 1,653 Non-Credit Sections 67 Median Credit Section Size 20 % of FT Faculty 62.7% Student Counseling Ratio 455:1 Age % Under 20 14.7% 20 to 24 26.7% 25 to 49 36.7% 50 + 21.9% Unknown 0.0% 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
--Summary and Recommendations-- The Scorecard metrics are useful, robust indicators of student success and can be used to improve student success. They do have one problem: they focus solely on 1st time, traditional students. The data presented in this report represent selected “snapshots” of the entire data set, which breaks down the metrics by “entry level” into college (remedial and prepared), gender, age, and race. Therefore, any recommendations and follow-up activities must take into account the complexity of the data. The 2014 ACCJC Standards require all colleges to develop “Institution-Set Standards” (ISS) and to implement activities designed to improve student success as measured by those standards. Taft College has identified several ISS measures (and Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative measures) in part based on these Scorecard measures: (1) Course Success Rates, (2) Student Retention Rates, (3) Student Persistence Rates, (4) Student Math and English Remedial Rates, and (5) Student Completion Rates. 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
A. Persistence Rates by Gender Taft College is developing and using Institution-Set Standards and IEPI goals that are aligned with the College’s mission by using locally derived data in conjunction with Chancellor’s Office (Scorecard) data, which do not fully capture what is happening. Various departments, the Student Success Committee, and the Student Access Committee are developing, implementing and monitoring interventions for improving student success as measured by the Scorecard, ISS and IEPI metrics. As shown in the data, the results have been mostly positive. Taft College should investigate, understand, and intervene as appropriate: A. Persistence Rates by Gender B. Math and English Remedial Rates by Gender C. CTE Rates by Gender D. Prepared Completion Rates by Race E. Prepared Completion Rates by Gender (Why did gap close?) F. Overall Completion Rates by Level: REMEDIAL STUDENTS! 2016 Student Success Scorecard Taft College Institutional Research
2016 Taft College Student Success Scorecard Report to Board, Faculty, Staff, & Public June 8th 2016