Why Choose a Smart Building?
Customer: IT Company Requirement: - Employees in comfortable environment with high productivity and deliver efficient work Efficient Work - Meet Important Deadlines - Schedule Management - Minimizing Downtime
Suggested System The proposed system will include User Tracking System Predictive Lighting Room App Energy Recovery from Database Center Solar System Integration
User Tracking System Employees can change their working areas and move from project to project. Finding a person will be easier Result in increased Work Efficiency
Predictive Lighting IT guys work long hours in their workspaces Sufficient lighting will be provided in off hours Sametime, Unused areas will have lights off Energy & Monetary Savings
Room App Employees can find space for their work and meetings easier and faster Can customize room environment through room app. Increase work efficiency and productivity
Energy Recovery from Database System Servers consume lot of energy and generate lot of heat. Energy Recovery System will recover heat energy and use it for building heating and Hot Water Reduce Energy Cost and Consumption.
Solar System Integration IT company has systems that consume a lot of energy Solar System will provide energy to the building Database will have back up power systems (Batteries) Excess energy will be sold to Grid when Batteries are full When energy prices will be high, it will enable company to generate revenue from selling excess/unused energy
System Benefits Comfortable environment and Efficient Work will increase the productivity of employees Energy Friendly Higher Initial Cost but will have shorter pay back period Low Operating Cost Revenue Generation from Energy Selling Cost prediction from Collected Data
An Eco Friendly IT Building with all integrated Solutions! Why Preferred Option? It will help IT Company in More Work Low Operating Cost Energy Saving An Eco Friendly IT Building with all integrated Solutions!