L-carnitine For Male Organ Health
As anybody who searches the internet for vitamins and supplements knows, there is a seemingly endless supply of ingredients out there which may or may not be useful for promoting male organ health. In some ways this is good, as it means there are plenty of nutrients, amino acids and other ingredients that might be useful for a guy to know about. But finding out about these ingredients can take some time. That’s why this article is going to focus on L-carnitine, with a specific focus on how it might be beneficial in terms of male organ health.male organ health
An amino acid L-carnitine falls into the group known as amino acids – but what exactly are amino acids? Basically, they are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and they may include other elements as well. They are important in muscle and tissue composition, as well as neurotransmission (the way in which messages are transmitted from nerve endings to the brain and vice versa). And amino acids are key in how fat gets turned into energy. Everyone has some amount of L-carnitine in their bodies. It’s naturally created in the liver and the kidneys and is usually stored in the muscles, brain and heart. Men also store some L-carnitine in their male seed. In addition to being an amino acid, L-carnitine is also an antioxidant. Antioxidants are important because they fight free radicals, which if left unchecked can cause serious damage to the body’s cells.
Benefits What specific male organ health benefits can L-carnitine confer? Studies indicate it is helpful in the following areas: Neuroprotection. Since L-carnitine plays a role in neurotransmission, it is considered to have neuroprotective properties. This means proper amounts of the ingredient can have a positive impact on keeping the nerves working at an appropriately high level. This is especially key for male organ health, as the delicate nerve endings in the member are what create the exquisite sensations when the organ is touched. When a member undergoes too much rough handling, these nerves can be damaged. Use of L-carnitine should protect the manhood from an unwanted loss of male organ sensation.
Infertility. As mentioned, L-carnitine is stored in male seed (as well as in other parts of the body). Lack of sufficient L-carnitine is theorized as one reason why a male may have infertility issues. Increasing the levels of the amino acid may lead to increased male seed count and motility. Tumescence function. The exact reason why L-carnitine may have an impact on tumescence function is not clear. However, some studies have shown that when used in tandem with sildenafil, it can have a significant impact on improving tumescence function in men with issues in this area. Bent manhood. At least one study indicates that use of L-carnitine might help men with Peyronie’s disease, in which the manhood bends at an extreme angle. There appeared to be some diminishment of the curvature as well as of pain associated with the curvature in this study.
As indicated, more studies need to be undertaken to clarify what possible benefits L-carnitine may have in terms of male organ health. However, the results are promising. And fortunately, many men can get additional L-carnitine through the daily application of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure the crème contains both L-carnitine and L-arginine, as the latter provides benefits in terms of keeping manhood blood vessels open and receptive to a greater influx of blood. And it’s also well to find a crème that includes alpha lipoic acid, another antioxidant that can help keep male organ cells healthy.male organ health crème