Slide 1 Portfolio Positioning Site Master VNA Master Spectrum Master BTS/Cell Master LMR Master Value Performance Models88941 Cable & Antenna1.6 / 4 / 6 GHz 10.5 / 20 GHz 4 / 6 / 20 GHz Full reversing 2-port 4 / 6 GHz1.6 / 6 GHz Spectrum Analysis 4 / 6 GHz4 / 6 / 9 / 20 GHz 3 / 4 / 6 / 7.1 / 9 / 13 / 20 / 32 / 43 GHz 4 / 7.1 GHz1.6 / 6 GHz Power Meter√√√Standard DemodAM/FM/PM2G, 3G, 4G, QAM/QPSK AM/FM/PM 2G, 3G, 4GNBFM, P25/P25p2, NXDN™, DMR, LTE, WiMAX, ITC-R PTC, TETRA Backhaul√ (> 6 GHz)√√ (w/ 6 GHz opts) LST/MST√√√√√ Training√√√√√
Slide 2Apr 2010 Company Confidential S412E LMR Master™ Combines two industry-leading products: Spectrum Master™ MS27xxE Performance + Features VNA Master™ MS20xxB 100 dB Transmission Dynamic Range 850 µSec/pt sweep speed Adds: 1.6 GHz LMR Signal Generator 0 to -130 dB range, 0.1 dB resolution Analog & Digital LMR Transmitter and Receiver Measurements Indoor and Outdoor Coverage Mapping TIA-603-D SINAD and Quieting PSST/FirstNet LTE Measurements (functionally identical to Cell Master™)
Slide 3Apr 2010 Company Confidential Recommended Messaging LMR Master is a “Field Analyzer” – NOT a “Service Monitor” LMR Master combines several high-value instruments into one package: Spectrum Master MS2713E = $11,950 (6 GHz, USA list) VNA Master MS2025B = $12,950 (6 GHz, USA list) “Field GUI” (equiv to Site Master S361E) = $8,450 (6 GHz, USA list) LMR Master is just $13,950 (1.6 GHz, USA List) NBFM Coverage Mapping is no-charge Options 431 and 509 are NOT needed on the LMR Master for analog FM measurements
Slide 4Apr 2010 Company Confidential Recommended Messaging LMR Master’s receiver is able to analyze signals off the air, at levels below -115 dBm Products from Aeroflex, Bird, General Dynamics can NOT do this – they require much higher signal levels to measure LMR Master’s receiver has very tight DSP filtering of the received signal Aeroflex 3550 and 3920 have IF bandwidths as wide as 43 kHz in some cases – not good if you’re measuring in crowded RF environments! LMR Master’s receiver is no wider than the standard channel
Slide 5Apr 2010 Company Confidential Recommended Messaging LMR Master covers more standards than other handhelds: The only handheld with P25 Phase 2 TDMA! The only handheld with TETRA! The only handheld with ITC-R Positive Train Control! High Power Kits 50 watt 150 watt
Slide 6Apr 2010 Company Confidential Recommended Demo Sequence Determine customer needs for narrowband analog FM, Digital LMR standards: P25 FDMA (TIA.102- CAAA-C), P25 Phase 2 TDMA (TIA.102.CCAA), NXDN™, ETSI DMR, MotoTRBO™, TETRA, PTC ITC-R, LTE, WiMAX Do they work with microwave backhaul? Yes = 6 GHz option Focus on Show LMR signal generation and measurements Show Cable & Antenna (or VNA) mode with Bandpass Filters Show Spectrum Analyzer mode and Interference Analyzer mode using a whip antenna & FM Broadcast band Show Spectrogram and Fast Sweep
Slide 7Apr 2010 Company Confidential Demo LMR Modes Demo any of the P25 / NXDN / DMR / PTC Modes Connect Signal Generator to RF In Tx and Rx Frequency 145 MHz Turn Sig-Gen On If using P25 Phase 2 or DMR modes, be sure to set Time Slot
Slide 8Apr 2010 Company Confidential LMR Demo Setup Preset Freq 145 MHz Sig Gen on Show Separate Analyzer & Generator Freq and Amplitude Reduce Tx Output level to -100 dBm – show analyzer is still able to show results
Slide 9Apr 2010 Company Confidential Digital LMR Capability Overview Analyzer Measurements of LMR voice and control channel signals Control Channel Decodes Change Rx pattern to control under setup
Slide 10Apr 2010 Company Confidential TETRA Capability Overview Analyzer Measurements of TETRA voice and control channel signals TETRA Analyzer is Over The Air only – it does not have a TETRA signal generator Focus on cell testing and coverage mapping applications Show the special “TETRA Summary” screen, Eye Diagram, etc
Slide 11 TETRA Summary Window Special functions for TETRA mode Receives over the air and displays what the TETRA repeater/site is transmitting Useful for debugging Mobile Color Code Mobile Network Code Base Color Code Location Area Code Mobile Station Maximum Allowed Transmit Power Apr 2010 Company Confidential
Slide 12Apr 2010 Company Confidential Digital LMR Mapping Capability Overview Coverage Create.mtd (viewable in Excel) and.kml (viewable in Google Earth™) files to USB stick with GPS location Bit Capture Capture control channel reverse link data IQ Capture Spectrum history to USB memory with phase info (See LMR Measurement Guide)
Slide 13Apr 2010 Company Confidential Show VNA Mode Preset defaults to Cable & Antenna Mode. Freq:10 MHz to 500 MHz 1001 points 1-Path 2-Port cal Measure Bandpass filter (NHP NLP 200)
Slide 14Apr 2010 Company Confidential Show VNA Mode Dynamic Range > 100 dB Sweep speed < 1 ms/pt Reduce span Without recal Markers
Slide 15Apr 2010 Company Confidential Show SPA Mode 88 to 108 MHz FM band Whip Antenna on RF In port -30 dBm Ref Lev Shift 3 (sweep) show Fast sweep vs. Performance IA Mode… Spectrogram