When Manhood Sensation is Far Too Intense


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Presentation transcript:

When Manhood Sensation is Far Too Intense

While many men worry about losing member sensitivity and strive to do everything they can to improve sensation throughout their lives, there are some men who have the opposite problem: Their member sensitivity is so high that they have trouble in their day-to-day sensual lives. For these men, male organ care looks a little different. Here’s what a guy needs to know if he notices that manhood sensation is far more intense than what other guys experience.male organ care

What causes such intense sensation? There are only a few things that might cause such intense sensitivity in the male organ. These include: 1. Phimosis. This condition in which is it difficult to retract the prepuce from the head can result in pain; in most cases, circumcision is recommended. However, for those who do manage to handle the issue without surgery, they might find that the exposed head is so sensitive that it reacts to the slightest sensation – even the sensation of air flowing over the area can be too much to handle.

2. Oversensitivity. The male organ is filled with nerve endings that create pleasurable sensations; however, some men simply have more nerve endings than most. This can make even the most typical sensations, such as that of soft underwear pressing against the male organ, intensely arousing. For some, the intensity goes beyond pleasure and into pain. 3. Medical conditions. Some medical conditions can lead to intense sensations in the male organ. Though this is a rare finding, some men might notice a change that tips them off to something going on with their overall health. This often comes from medical conditions that affect the nerve endings, such as uncontrolled diabetes. Though the usual course of diabetes means a man experiences a diminishment of sensitivity, some men might notice the opposite, and feel manhood sensation to an extreme.

4. Lack of use. When a man has not used his male organ for pleasure in a while, his sensitivity is naturally at a high. For some, this means any manhood sensation can lead to excitement or even seed release before he’s ready. This is something that many men deal with if they have gone through a long ‘dry spell.’

How to handle overwhelming manhood sensation At first a man might think that strong manhood sensation is a great thing, but it won’t take long before he realizes that it actually causes more trouble than it’s worth. That’s when he will try to figure out ways to actually make his male organ less sensitive – a strange turn of events in a world where preserving manhood sensation is what usually matters most!

For men who find themselves in this predicament, there are some methods they can try. If a man suffers from phimosis, using techniques to loosen and stretch the prepuce can help him retract it more easily, and then he can work on the problem of the overly sensitive head. In this case, a man can begin with very gentle, light sensations, such as that of gently running water or soft fabrics, to get the male organ accustomed to feeling the intense sensitivity. For those who suffer from medical conditions, speaking to the doctor is an absolute must. Many medical conditions require medications to keep them under control, and once those medications take hold, the manhood sensation will become much more manageable.

Finally, those dealing with lack of use can start with self- pleasuring on a regular basis. This can eventually reduce the quick response and give him a more pleasurable time with a partner in the bedroom. Regardless of the manhood sensation issues, keeping the skin as healthy as possible can help ensure the best health. This can be achieved with a good male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Using the crème on a regular basis can help a man rest easy, knowing that he is doing all he can for his overall male organ health as he works on the sensation issues.male organ health crème