Select Right Earrings That Compliment Your Face
Have you ever wondered why your favourite earrings doesn’t look good on you, but same when worn by some other looks very beautiful. Because the design you selected doesn’t to your face Shape. Every women has unique facial features. So enhance the beauty of your face we need to select the right earrings that suit to our face
To select the right earrings you need to know the shape of your face. We have so many face shapes like round, square, heart, diamond, oval, long etc.,
Round Face: If you have a round face choose dangle earring or long earrings which creates illusion and makes your face look longer than actually it is.
Square Face Square face will have similar length of fore head, cheeks and jaw line, so women with square shape should select medium to long earrings with rounded edges
Oval Shape Oval shape face women will have less forehead and narrow chin, so we need to create illusion by choosing wider chandelier earrings, earrings with larger bottoms
Heart Shape Heart shape face will have wider forehead than cheeks and narrow chin. Chandelier and drop earrings are best option for them
All types of earrings will suit for diamond shape face women. They can choose chandelier earrings, dangle and drop earrings Diamond Shape Face
Long Face If you have long and narrow face select large hoop earrings, round studs and short danglers
Get a splendid look choosing right earrings Visit jewellery for all types of earrings collectionhttps:// jewellery