Angular JS Training at GoLogica Technologies id : India : USA : +1 (646)
About Angular JS AngularJS is a basic structure for dynamic web applications. It is an intense java content based improvement stage to create RIA – rich Internet Application. AngularJS gives engineers to compose customer side programming (utilizing javascript) ) in an unmistakable MVC (Model View Controller) approach. It naturally handles JavaScript code perfect for every program. AngularJS is open source, used by a considerable measure of engineers everywhere throughout the world, and thoroughly free. It’s authorized under the Apache License variant 2.0. In general, AngularJS is a system while saving them as simple to make superior web application.
AngularJS Training: Advanced AngularJS Training Course Outline Brief Review of Angular Basics Controllers and Models Directives Services Routing and Single Page Applications Angular User Interfaces Angular Forms Angular forms vs HTML forms Angular form controls Form events The form controller Form validation CSS classes for form data
Using Angular with Angular UI and Angular Bootstrap Introduction to AngularUI Introduction to Bootstrap (and AngularUI--s implementation Page layout and organization UI Widgets Angular Services Providers as a concept The Service Provider Mocking out your Service during testing The Factory Provider Testing your Factory The Provider recipe Developing Custom Directives Teaching HTML new tricks Binding text and attributes Directive processing lifecycle
DOM Processing Compilation Linking A basic directive Directives and scopes Creating reusable directives Turning directives into components Transclusion Examples: Custom Elements Custom Event Handling Observing Model Changes with $observe Enhanced End-to-End Testing Introduction to End-to-End testing Setting up Protractor Configuring your browser() Grabbing elements Firing events Examining data
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