Automation Anywhere Training at GoLogica Technologies id: India : USA : +1 (646)
About Automation Anywhere Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an application that enables organizations or associations to mechanize the procedures which are sorted out by the people. Means in any organization human workers will do every one of the undertakings like interchanges, information control, client administration and reactions etcetera, RPA empowers you these every one of the procedures can done by utilizing Robotic Process Automation instruments. By utilizing RPA an organization can diminish the aggregate cost of the undertaking, RPA will spare the time and will illuminate the human slip-ups. RPA will build the nature of the item or administrations. RPA will be the following enormous thing in innovation, each huge association needs to utilize RPA innovation in the event that they need to rearrange the undertaking expense and support.
Introduction of Automation Anywhere Architecture Introduction to Product Architecture Task Bots and its usages Meta Bots and its usages Learn IQ Bots DASHBORAD IN AUTOMATION ANYWHERE Task Bots Recording the task. Create Task Task Editor and its usages Features in Task Editor INTEGRATE PDF Usage of If/else command Datanse and AA Automation in AA Handling Exceptions Commans in PGP
ADDING METABOT Recordng Recordset Various configurations inMetaBot Screens Calibirations in MetaBotScreens IMPLEMENT WEB SERVICES MetaBot and its Usages Overview Creation of Metabot Understand Designer in MetaBot FOLDERS TO METBOT How to record in MetaBot Logic Editor Import and expert MetaBot
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